‘Artistic mobility: views from European cities and artists’ is a new study conducted by the city of Turin (former chair of the EUROCITIES ‘Mobility of artists’ working group) in partnership with EUROCITIES.
The new study is a follow-up of the 2013 EUROCITIES study on ‘European cities and cultural mobility: trends and support actions’. Based on a survey completed by 15 cities and 109 artists, the study presents the challenges of artistic mobility in Europe, examples of cities’ strategies to support such mobility, and explores artists’ specific needs in terms of mobility.
Key findings include:
- Cities support artistic mobility for various reasons including fostering artistic exchanges, sustaining artistic production and improving local attractiveness
- Local artistic mobility programmes are mainly funded by cities’ own resources
- There is an ‘hypermobility’ trend among artists (those involved in several mobility projects in a short period of time), especially among artists over 35, active in the performing and visual arts and having a full time artistic job