Editorial Policy

We are happy to hear from you about meetings, funding, grants, training, jobs and other opportunities related to cultural mobility. Before sending your news to mobility@on-the-move.org however, please keep in mind our editorial policy below.

What we publish

Cultural mobility news and opportunities

We publish news about the mobility of artists and cultural professionals which are consistent with our definition of cultural mobility:

“Mobility is a central component of the professional trajectory of artists and culture professionals. Involving a temporary cross-border movement, often for educational, capacity-building, networking, or working purposes, it may have tangible or intangible outputs in the short term, and/or be part of a long-term professional development process. Mobility is a conscious process, and those involved in it, whether by directly engaging in it or by supporting it, should take into consideration its cultural, social, political, environmental, ethical and economic implications.”

Read more about our definition of cultural mobility.

Opportunities with no application fees

We give priority to news about calls, contests, etc. which do not request the payment of fees for applications, and very importantly to opportunities which reimburse/cover at least part of the international travel costs for the selected participants – either separately or through a general stipend / production budget.

Opportunities with clear terms

We publish news items that give clear information on what the successful applicant will be expected to do and what resources will be provided to them. We typically don’t publish calls for projects which depend on fundraising that is still in progress.

International opportunities

In our news section, we only publish items about grants and opportunities open to citizens or residents of different countries (e.g. no news about a grant available only to citizens of one country and/or for very specific bilateral calls between cities/regions).

Opportunities in any sector or region

Our coverage of mobility opportunities (e.g. residencies, workshops, travel grants etc.) for artists and cultural operators includes all domains and regions of the world.

Opportunities for cultural professionals

Alongside calls for artists, we publish news about mobility opportunities for professionals of the cultural sector (managers, producers, etc.).

Non-commercial opportunities

We publish news about non-commercial opportunities (i.e. no news about buying/selling works, buying/renting spaces, etc.).

Opportunities for the mobility of people

We give priority to grants or opportunities for the mobility of people over mobility opportunities for works of art (i.e. the transportation of artworks, theatre sets, etc.).

Opportunities for digital mobility

We publish news and opportunities where the international cooperation happens online – but only if there is some form of remuneration for participants’ time.

‘Small is beautiful’

While respecting the ‘All sectors and places’ criteria (see point no. 5), we give space to news and announcements (auditions, calls etc.) coming from small-scale organisations (e.g. non-profits, charities and associations), often lacking strong communication channels.

What we don’t publish

Respecting the criteria mentioned above, we don’t work as a placement service or a showcase, so we can’t help you with tailor-made information services nor publish your CV online to give you visibility.

Additional notes