
  • A collection of apparently disused cars, with one car flying through the air.
    Ettijahat: Zad Programme for the Mobility of Artists from the Arab Region Residing in Europe
    Presenting Work
    Deadline: /
  • A room with two tables and books on them.
    Delegation of the EU to Japan: Critics-in-Residence Programme at Kyoto Experiment 2024 (Japan)
    In-person Closing soon
  • Coloured geometric shapes with the text of the call.
    Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans: Small Grants for Individuals in Western Balkans
    Project Funding
  • Text of the grant with an illustration of a globe on the right, and 5 photos below: people sitting on the ground in a circle, a group of people in a group and clapping, children and adults in a  group, two people standing and working at a table, and people seated in a circle in an open air house.
    Toyota Foundation: 2024 International Grant Programme for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia
    Project Funding
  • Person in a wheelchair tilted back so their back is along the floor, with another person in a headstand with their legs over the lower part of the wheelchair.
    Europe Beyond Access: Open Call for Co-Productions
    Project Funding
    In-person Closing soon