Artists across creative disciplines, countries, and at any stage of their career are invited to submit an application to participate in the Resonances IV Summer School at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy. As a melting pot of perspectives and disciplines, the Summer School will be a fertile ground for fermenting ideas on the theme of ‘NaturArchy: Towards a Natural Contract’. The programme is targeted at artists producing work in the rich lands between art and science, whose work engages diverse audiences, and who show strong interest in scientific inquiry.
The purpose of the Summer School is to invite artists to explore and be inspired by the challenges of doing science for policy. JRC scientists and policymakers will be part of this group, jointly discussing and discovering the theme of NaturArchy in its contexts and perspectives. Through this process, the aim is to create a safe haven where artists and JRC scientists have the possibility to engage in high quality pioneering collaborations. The organisers hope these exchanges will lead to inspiring projects and works of art at the intersection of the arts, sciences, and society. Of greatest interest are works that spill over from art and research cenacles into the streets.
A maximum of 20 artists will be selected and invited as experts, according to European Commission rules, to participate actively to a summer school workshop. At the end of the summer school, they will be invited to submit a project proposal that combines research and production in view of a more extensive residency at one of the JRC sites in Europe. If selected, the proposal will be produced and showcased at the JRC, with the possibility to exhibit, subsequently, in a major European venue.
The Summer School is structured in two parts:
- A two-day Convening, 20-21 June 2022, on the topic of Art, Science and Naturarchy, open to all people interested in the subject and willing to participate to the discussions.
- A three-day workshop, 22-24 June 2022, open on invitation only.
Artists winning the selection on the basis of this open call are invited to both the Convening session and the workshop. For the Convening session, they will receive daily allowance, accommodation and reimbursement of travel; for the workshop, in addition to the daily allowance and accommodation, they will also receive an expert fee according to the European Commission.