Perspective Report 2024

Title of the report with a geometric square illustration on a dark background.

This report outlines the activities undertaken by On the Move’s working groups in 2024. It places these efforts within the broader context of an ongoing process of learning and debate, while also linking them to complementary contributions from professional and policy circles during the year.

On the Move coordinated five working groups, providing a platform for network members and like-minded organisations to collaborate in addressing pertinent issues in contemporary cultural mobility: Mobility Information Points, (En)forced Mobility, Mobility Funders, Context-based Green Mobility, and International Mentoring Programmes.

Each working group convened multiple times, both online and in person, over the course of the year. These meetings fostered a wealth of discussions, project presentations, expert contributions from guest speakers, and ideas for future initiatives. A shared focus on contemporary challenges related to the mobility of artists and culture professionals, combined with the diverse profiles and substantial expertise of the organisations within the network, has ensured that these debates offered a current and comprehensive view of the key issues surrounding cultural mobility in Europe and internationally.

This report presents an overview of the work undertaken by each working group. Alongside a concise introduction to the context and remit of each group, the sections highlight the principal themes of their respective programmes, as well as issues that could be addressed over the longer term. The summaries reference recent projects, publications, and cultural policy documents that resonate with the activities of the groups. Consequently, the report gathers a broad selection of resources that network members and other readers may find valuable for further exploration.

As the pages that follow reveal, this is a dynamic field, with discussions within the working groups reflecting the commitment of mobility funders, information providers, and related organisations to engage with broader social, cultural, and political issues. These include the climate crisis, restrictions on freedom of artistic expression, social justice, the status of artists and culture professionals, mental health, and North-South inequalities, among others.

Author: Jordi Baltà Portolés

Coordinator: Yohann Floch