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- Fundación Cuerpo Sur: Avanzada Sur Programme for Young Artists from Latin America (Chile, Online)Fundación Cuerpo Sur’s Avanzada Sur residency programme is calling for applications from artists working in the performing arts within Latin America, residing in a Latin American country, who are under 35 years of age (born after 1990) and who have 1–3 professional work exhibited.Closed
- CONTESTED DESIRES Constructive Dialogues: Visual Artists for Residency, Exhibition and Knowledge Exchange Programme 2024–2026The Creative Europe-funded project CONTESTED DESIRES: Constructive Dialogues (CDCD) is calling for applications from visual artists who are passionate about unravelling colonial legacies and who are based in Tunisia, Ghana, Hungary, Chile, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, Spain, the Netherlands or the UK.Closed
- Goethe-Institut: ARTEscénicas + digitalidad (Chile / Germany)Los Goethe-Institut en Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brasil y Colombia junto a Espacio Checoeslovaquia, el Centro de Creación y Residencia NAVE en Chile, el Instituto Nacional de Artes Escénicas de Uruguay y la Akademie für Theater und Digitalität Dortmund hacen un llamado abierto a grupos interdisciplinarios de Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brasil y Colombia, integrados por creadores/as y realizadores/as de las artes escénicas y de disciplinas técnicas y mediales para presentar proyectos escénicos que exploren el uso de medios y tecnologías digitales.Closed
- Goethe-Institut du Chili et Institut français du Chili > Programme de résidencesLe Goethe-Institut du Chili et l’Institut français du Chili proposent un programme de résidences artistiques pour cinq duos franco-allemands. Chaque duo mènera un travail de recherche en collaboration avec le lieu de résidence chilien qui le recevra pendant un mois. Les disciplines recherchées sont : arts visuels, arts de la scène, art sonore, arts médiaux, architecture, urbanisme. Un intérêt sera spécialement porté sur les axes de réflexion suivants : art et science, environnement et artivisme, territoire et conflits, participation citoyenne. Date limite (repoussée) : 31 mai 2020.Closed
- Closed
- veiculoSUR > International Itinerant ResidencyveículoSUR is a residency that travels internationally and serves the purpose of artistic networking. The residency schedule will see participants visit six countries in the period May – June 2021 and September – November 2021. The open call is aimed at artists and cultural practitioners based in Uruguay (nationwide), Chile (nationwide), Brazil (São Paulo/Estado), France (nationwide), Germany (Munich) and Finland (nationwide). Deadline (extended): 16 August 2020.Closed