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Phileas: Funding for the Internationalisation of Austrian Contemporary Art 2025

Sculpture of a person reclining (in white and transparent material) in a room with windows down one side.
Oliver Laric, Sleeping Shepherd Boy, 2016, co-produced by Phileas for the 9th Liverpool Biennial 2016. Photo: Mark McNulty

Phileas - The Austrian Office for Contemporary Art supports artists, curators, galleries and institutions in Austria and works to strengthen their presence on the international landscape of contemporary art.

Phileas collaborates with museums, biennials and art institutions around the world to enable the production and exhibition of new artworks, and their donation to public collections. This is done through an application-based grant process.

Projects that can be funded include participations of Austrian and Austrian-based artists at international biennials and exhibitions of Austrian and Austrian-based artists at international museums and non-profit art institutions, along with accompanying publications, symposia and public programmes. Priority is given to solo exhibitions.

Applications can be submitted by non-for-profit institutions (museums, biennials, and other art centres) located outside Austria.

Applications are now open to institutions who wish to apply for project funding in 2025.


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