Reaffirmed Free Movement Rights for Workers and Eurobarometer Survey on Labour Mobility

The European Commission has adopted in July 2010 a report setting out in a consolidated way the rights of Europeans to live and work in another EU country. In the meanwhile, a new Eurobarometer survey was released sheding light on Europeans’ attitudes to workers mobility: it seems more and more Europeans see mobility as a good thing, except… for families.

This report also provides an update on legal developments to promote free movement in the past decade.

Currently and despite EU efforts and labour market demands, still only 2.3% of people in the EU reside in a Member State other than their own. This new Eurobarometer survey finds that 17% of Europeans envisage working abroad in the future and 48% would consider looking for work in another country or region if they were to lose their job. Yet, even though most of those surveyed think moving countries or regions is good for EU integration, half think it’s good for the economy, labour market and individuals, still fewer think it’s good for families.