Cultural Mobility and Visas

Last updated: 20 March 2021
A crowded field of differently coloured passports. They are leafed open and standing up, caught in the process of moving forwards in a stop motion animation.

While preparing for a public panel on the global touring of musicians (as part of WOMEX 13 in Cardiff, Wales), we realised it would be useful to have a page gathering different information portals and organisations working in this space. These are organisation who can be of help when applying for a visa, or who provide a means to report problems and obstacles.

Some of those listed are publicly funded national or regional institutions, while others are independent bodies focused on advocacy. Please check their missions carefully before consulting them.

This page is regularly updated. If you feel that some organisations providing information and/or advocacy support in Europe or worldwide should be included on this page, feel free to contact us at

On the Move’s news and actions in relation to visa issues

EU useful links and latest news

In general, we may advise you to register to PEARLE* newsletter which follows the question of the revision of the Visa Code of Schengen.

Schengen member states and organisations





The Netherlands



  • The Swedish Arts Grant Committee - The Artists’ Guide (see in particular: Visiting Sweden and Living and Working in Sweden.

European Citizen Action Service

EU (non Schengen)

United Kingdom

Other organisations’ actions in the field of visas

  • Migreat: a free web-platform to inform any migrant people (contacts in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and the USA).

Beyond Europe

United States

Middle East / Arab region

Further readings and information platform on artists’ mobility and freedom of expression and movement

Image credits: ‘The Most International Artist in the Universe’ (Tintin Wulia, 2011), multiple-channel video installation. Video still. Image courtesy of the artist and Osage Gallery.