While preparing for a public panel on the global touring of musicians (as part of WOMEX 13 in Cardiff, Wales), we realised it would be useful to have a page gathering different information portals and organisations working in this space. These are organisation who can be of help when applying for a visa, or who provide a means to report problems and obstacles.
Some of those listed are publicly funded national or regional institutions, while others are independent bodies focused on advocacy. Please check their missions carefully before consulting them.
This page is regularly updated. If you feel that some organisations providing information and/or advocacy support in Europe or worldwide should be included on this page, feel free to contact us at mobility@on-the-move.org
On the Move’s news and actions in relation to visa issues
- PEARLE* and European Festivals’ Association, Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Visas for Third Country National Artists (2020).
- Monitoring of the upcoming revision of the EU visa code.
- Advocacy actions related to the EC consultation (March-June 2013) on improving the procedures for Schengen short stay visas. Coordination work for the production of a common set of recommendations to the European Union, EU member states and European cultural organisations.
- Artists’ mobility and visas: a step forward: a practical report published in December 2012 based on an online survey conducted in September-October 2012 and a meeting with OTM members, associated partners such as Zone Franche and representatives from the European Commission (DG Home and Education and Culture).
- On the Move Charter for a Sustainable and Responsible Cultural Mobility (visa section targeted at policy makers, funders and cultural organisations).
EU useful links and latest news
- Informal Deal for EU Short-Stay Visas (29 January 2019).
- 80 organisations sign a joint statement on the revision of the Schengen Code of visas (coordination of the statement by PEARLE*) (December 2018).
- PEARLE* and EAEA joint statement on European Parliament vote on visas (December 2018).
- PEARLE*- Vote in LIBE committee on Proposal for a Regulation establishing a Touring Visa is a step in the right direction (16 March 2016).
- Proposal by the European Commission “More flexible visa rules to boost growth and job creation” (April 2014).
- Results of the public consultation by the European Commission: Improving procedures for obtaining short-stay ‘Schengen’ visas (September 2013).
- EU immigration portal.
In general, we may advise you to register to PEARLE* newsletter which follows the question of the revision of the Visa Code of Schengen.
Schengen member states and organisations
- Zone Franche (world music) - Comité visas artistes.
- MobiCulture (information about administrative issues related to foreign artists/companies in France).
- Passeport Talents France.
- Guide pratique des visas par Zone Franche, écrit par Anaïs Lukacs de MobiCulture / Practical guide to visas by Zone Franche, written by Anaïs Luckas from MobiCulture.
- Touring artists website.
- alba KULTUR (global music).
The Netherlands
- Polo Cultural Gaivotas Buovista - Lisbon Culture Bureau.
- The Swedish Arts Grant Committee - The Artists’ Guide (see in particular: Visiting Sweden and Living and Working in Sweden.
European Citizen Action Service
- Your Europe Advice (free service on EU rights including for visa issues).
EU (non Schengen)
United Kingdom
- Wales Arts International.
- Visiting arts.
- Manifesto Club (free movement for visiting artists).
Other organisations’ actions in the field of visas
- Migreat: a free web-platform to inform any migrant people (contacts in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and the USA).
Beyond Europe
United States
- Artists from abroad.
- Tamizdat and Tamizdat AVAIL (free hotline system!).
- WCC Q&A: US Visas for Artists and Cultural Professionals with Tamizdat & League of American Orchestras.
Middle East / Arab region
- Istikshaf campaign (coordinated by the Arab Education Forum, with the Roberto Cimetta Fund etc.).
Further readings and information platform on artists’ mobility and freedom of expression and movement
- Artists At Risk Connection.
- ITI / ACAR- Action Committee for Artists’ Rights.
- UN report on the Freedom of artistic expression and creation by Farida Shaheed.
- Artsfex - The Arts and Freedom of expression network.
Image credits: ‘The Most International Artist in the Universe’ (Tintin Wulia, 2011), multiple-channel video installation. Video still. Image courtesy of the artist and Osage Gallery.