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University of the Arts Bremen: Professorship for Performance and New Musical Production Forms (Germany)

Many people sitting on the steps to a brick building beside a road leading to other buildings in the distance.

The University of the Arts Bremen, Germany, is looking for an artist whose practice is at the interface between performance and new forms of musical performance for their Professorship for Performance and New Musical Production Forms.

The professorship is equally located in the Departments of Art and Design and Music and is intended to teach and further develop performative practice as an interdisciplinary field of work.

A university degree in a relevant subject with practical artistic elements, at least one year’s teaching experience at an art or music college or comparable institution and the ability to organise interdisciplinary courses for students from different fields of study are expected. Furthermore, the ability to design future-oriented study programmes is required. Experience in different teaching formats and contexts and participation in current social and artistic discourses are also desirable.

Active participation in the further development of the University of the Arts Bremen, collegial cooperation and participation in academic self-administration committees are expected (official language German). The fulfilment of the professorship requires presence and the continuous deployment of work capacity on site at the university. The willingness and ability to teach in German and English is also expected.

The pay bracket is W 2/Status of a civil servant with unlimited tenure/Teaching load of 18 semester hours per week (Code number WP 24/04).


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