For a second year the Translation in Motion consortium of translation residencies invites applications by literary translators working from or into the languages of the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia). Residency stays will take place between April 2022 and April 2023.
The residencies offer translators time for focused creative work on a literary translation project, the opportunity to immerse themselves in the source language of their translation and carry out research, and to raise their visibility by networking with the local literary sector and presenting their work to local audiences.
The residencies are offered by a range of host organisations which welcome proposals from literary translators working from or into the languages of the countries of the Western Balkans. Depending on the language combination and host organisation, eligible translators should be citizens of any EU country or any country of the Western Balkans.
Host organisations
- Collège International des traducteurs littéraires in Arles, France: for translators from Western Balkan countries translating from French language.
- Krokodil in Belgrade, Serbia: for translators from EU member countries translating from Serbian language.
- Open Cultural Forum in Cetinje, Montenegro: for translators from EU member countries translating from Montenegrin.
- Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in Gotland, Sweden: for translators from Western Balkan countries translating from Scandinavian languages.
- Goten in Skopje, North Macedonia: for translators from EU member countries translating from Macedonian language.
- Next Page / Sofia Literature and Translation House in Sofia, Bulgaria: for translators from Western Balkan countries translating from Bulgarian.
- Poeteka in Tirana, Albania: for translators from EU member countries translating from Albanian language.
- International Writers’ and Translators’ House in Ventspils, Latvia: for translators from Western Balkan countries translating from Latvian language.
- National Centre for Writing in Norwich (UK): for translators from Western Balkan countries translating from English.
General conditions
During their residency, translators are expected to work intensively on the literary translation project with which they applied for the programme, to take part in events or activities of the host organisation, and to network with colleagues and with other residents. The host organisations offer free accommodation in the residency centre, a travel grant, and a monthly fellowship to cover living expenses.