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STARHAUS: Arts and Technology Residencies (Norway, Romania)

STARHAUS written in coloured text.

STARHAUS, a project funded under the Horizon Europe programme, is calling for EU-based SMEs for their Arts and Technology Residencies, to work with the project’s technology partners to define new concepts for services and processes and to adapt existing hardware and software to the specific project use-cases (pet food, fertilizers, beverages, and breakfast cereals), while contributing to raising the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of these technologies.

These new concepts will serve as the foundation for developing hardware and software prototypes that align with the user-centred design (UCD) approach, ensuring solutions are intuitive, adaptable, and resonate with target communities. Applicants are encouraged to look beyond current project constraints and envision future and scalable solutions that push technological boundaries.

The residency experience will involve immersive collaboration between participants and technological partners (CODY in Norway for hardware, WIZ Research in Romania for software). The residency experience includes a minimum of two on-site visits: an initial visit to co-design workshops, plan prototypes, and align with technology partners, and a final visit to test and validate prototypes, as well as engage with local communities for demonstration and feedback collection. These activities will ensure that both hardware and software elements are developed holistically, enhancing the user experience and system functionality.

Duration of the proposed projects is limited to a minimum of six months and a maximum of ten months.

A total budget of 100,000 EUR is allocated by STARHAUS to fund the participation of at least two beneficiaries in the OIC#2 | Arts and Technology Residencies Open Call. The maximum amount to be granted per project shall not exceed 50,000 EUR. Expected costs can include Staff Costs, Travel Costs, Equipment/Tech Consumables Costs (depreciation) and, whenever required, Subcontracting Costs.


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