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SODAS 2123: Nordic-Baltic Residency, ‘The Festivity’ (Lithuania)

Open call

Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association invites artists, activists and researchers in the fields of art and humanities, whose artistic practice includes exploring celebration as phenomenon, its various forms and elements, to a granted three-month residency programme in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The Festivity Residency focuses on the research and artistic interpretation of the celebration phenomenon. In this programme, the residency infrastructure is a space providing opportunities for investigation and interpretation on how traditions are binding communities together and how social infrastructures are created in relational processes.

During the residency the following questions are raised: What can festivals mean and offer in non-festive times? How can we celebrate in an ethical, sustainable and sensitive manner? How can we celebrate to support each other, to strengthen our bonds of friendship and to discover multiple meanings in celebratory practices?

The residency programme will take a space at SODAS 2123 cultural complex. It is a self-governing community-based space, operated and curated by the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association. It brings together creators and researchers from different fields whose practices are based on experimentation and development of unexpected formats.

After selection process, six artists will be invited to live and work focusing on their chosen festivities during the spring, summer and autumn residency periods. Available residency periods:

  • 1 March – 31 May 2024.
  • 1 June – 31 August 2024.
  • 1 September – 30 November 2024.

The residency grant is 2400 EUR per artist (tax inclusive). The residency also covers travel expenses to and from the residency up to 250 EUR.

Only artists from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Estonia and Latvia (as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland) are eligible to apply.


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