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Perform Europe: Call for Partnership Projects Exploring Cross-border Touring

Perform Europe - Open call for performing arts professionals and organisations

Perform Europe is a funding scheme offering 2.1 million euros for performing arts collaborations across all 40 Creative Europe countries. Perform Europe supports partnership projects which reinvent the way we tour across borders.

After a highly successful pilot project (2020-2022), Perform Europe will continue to put emphasis on exploring, with the performing arts sector, how cross-border touring can be made fairer, greener, and more inclusive.

This is a call to the sector to create partnerships and propose impactful ideas that can generate real change, focusing on at least one of the Perform Europe priorities:

  • Inclusion and diversity.
  • Fight against climate change.

In addition to addressing one or both of these priorities, all Perform Europe proposals should aim for quality and innovation, and be built on fair principles.

Perform Europe will grant EUR 2.1 million to at least 35 partnerships.

Applicants can apply for grants in three categories:

  • EUR 12,000 Small partnership projects
  • EUR 32,000 Medium partnership projects
  • EUR 60,000 Large partnership projects.

Of the total funding, 5% will be allocated to projects which involve a partnership with Ukrainian partners or support initiatives for the Ukrainian performing arts sector.

Each partnership must consist of a minimum of three partners from a minimum of three Creative Europe countries. Each application must include at least one performing arts work (excluding live music) to be presented in a minimum of three different Creative Europe countries.

Partnership projects will run between 3 June 2024 – 30 November 2025.


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