OpenArt is calling for proposals of public art from professional artists from all over the world for the exhibition taking place June to September 2026 in the city centre of Örebro, Sweden. Contemporary artworks are displayed outdoors and available for public interaction day and night.
OpenArt aims to exhibit artists working in a wide variety of art mediums and techniques. They are looking for artists who are interested in the connection between art and public space. Since the exhibition will take place just before the Swedish election, they are especially interested in artworks taking on subjects such as collective processes, democracy and/or sustainable change as well as artworks that engage the inhabitants of Örebro and invite people to imagine a new possible future.
It is possible to apply with already existing artworks or ideas to develop. OpenArt encourages artists to apply with two artworks as their aim is to show more than one artwork of the same artist.
Each artist is expected to lead the technical work installing the artwork in a secure and responsible way. This also includes staying within the agreed budget and deadlines set in consultation with the team.
Budget for participating artists:
- Artist fee of 10,000 SEK.
- When creating a new artwork, OpenArt provides production support according to an agreed production budget.
- OpenArt books and pays for the transport of artworks to and from the exhibition.
- OpenArt books and pays for travel and accommodation during installation.
- OpenArt covers costs related to the installation period such as permits, cranes, wheel loaders, lifts, electricity and technical staff.