NEMO has two travel grant opportunities available to the NEMO European Museum Conference ‘Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation’. Five young museum professionals and five museum professionals located in South and Central-Eastern Europe will be awarded a travel grant and free participation at the conference, which takes place from 10 to 12 November 2024 in Sibiu, Romania.
NEMO offers five travel and conference grants (500 EUR lump sum travel support, including a free conference ticket) for young museum professionals interested and active in the topic of cultural democracy, cultural politics and community involvement with a strong commitment to European collaboration and international networking. Applications will be considered from persons up to 30 years old who are located in one of the members states of the Council of Europe.
Selected grant holders are expected to actively participate by delivering an intervention at the conference. This can be an artistic intervention (a poem, a song, dance, a game) but it could also be a spontaneous contribution to one of the panels.
NEMO also offers five travel and conference grants (500 EUR lump sum travel support, including a free conference ticket) for museum professionals from South and Central-Eastern Europe interested and active in the topic of cultural democracy, cultural/museum politics and community involvement with a strong commitment to European collaboration and international networking.
Selected grant holders are expected to write an article about the conference panel topics from their (museum’s or region’s) perspective building up to the conference. The article has to be delivered two weeks after selection of candidates (early October) and will be published on NEMO’s website in the weeks leading up to the conference.