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MODINA: Dance and Technology Residencies 2025 for Europe-based Duos (Romania, Slovenia, Estonia, Germany, Hungary)

Two people performing on stage with the text of the call over the top.

MODINA is calling for duos of European-based dance artists and creative technologists for five eight-week residencies that take place between January and May 2025.

The project MODINA (Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience) aims to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances, and augment the experience for the audience, using digital technology – with an emphasis on exploring artificial intelligence (AI) and audience interaction. MODINA is a 3-year Creative Europe cooperation project, co-financed by the European Union.

MODINA is opening a Call for Artist Residencies for multidisciplinary duos, encompassing competences in dance and in technology (particularly related to computational creativity and audience interaction). The project is organising five residencies of eight weeks, across five performance centres: CNDB (Romania), Kino Siska (Slovenia), STL (Estonia), tanzhaus nrw (Germany), and Trafo (Hungary). These residencies will receive the mentorship from academic partners, from three universities: Hochschule Düsseldorf, Tallinn University and University of Lisbon.

The project provides the following:

  • Travel and accommodation
  • A budget composed of (gross amounts): Artist fee of 5,000 EUR for the 8 weeks per each of the 2 artists; and production budget of up to 3,000 EUR (additional production needs might also be covered, in agreement with the host institution)
  • Access to equipment of the host institution
  • Assistance of (at least) one stage technician, available throughout the full 4 weeks of studio time
  • Advice from a MODINA academic partner throughout the residency (including a 3-day co-located workshop)
  • Promotion and documentation (photos, videos, etc)
  • Invitation to pre/post events: Kick-off event in Lisbon 15-16 January 2025 (travel, accommodation, and daily fee paid); Showcasing the outcome of the residency in approximately 3 more countries within the MODINA network, in late 2025 / early 2026 (an additional budget will be proposed for it); Invitation to final event for MODINA in Düsseldorf, in early 2026 (travel, accommodation, and daily fee paid).

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