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minus20degree: Open Call for Sound Art, Videoart, Performance, Theatre, Installation, or Dynamic Land Art (Austria)

Photograph of a silvery, ghostly, winter tree, its branches bare and lit in the night. Five black holes appear, mysteriously in the mesh of its outstretched branches.

minus20degree (m20d), an initiative that promotes art and architecture from around the world, is looking for artists in the field of sound art, videoart, performance, theatre, installation, or dynamic land art.

They are especially interested in long range art forms, art that takes and needs space, art that is mobile or makes the audience move. They also look forward to receiving proposals for dynamic sound and video art that embraces the snowy landscape as endless projection surface.

minus20degree provides outside space for art that is controversial, provocative, but grounded. minus20degree is completely independent, thus does not need to please or go easy on the audience.

All art works need to be conceptualised especially for minus20degree. All art works need to be conceptualised especially for minus20degree and will be presented in the village of Flachau, outside and at sites exposed to the elements. Temperatures might be as low as minus 20 degrees, but it can also rain. Therefore, all artworks must be water and temperature resistant. The amount of snow cannot be predicted. Generally, there are 20-60cm in the valley and up to 150cm on the mountains.

minus20degree 2022 is dedicated to the overarching theme ‘REMOTE’.

The theme remains undefined for the time being. Applicants have the freedom to conceptualise and interpret the theme in their own way, unaffected by any preconception.

By doing this, the theme can slowly take shape during the process and all thoughts of the artists can be included in the official programme of minus20degree 2022.

  • Artist fee: €1000.
  • Production budget: up to €1600.
  • Travel budget: up to €400.
  • Up to 6 nights’ accommodation (arrangements for longer stays can be made).
  • Support from the team throughout m20d22.
  • Technical support.
  • Professional documentation of the work.

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