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Metropolis > Open Call for Site-specific Residency Programme

The organisation and festival Metropolis is calling for 10 artists working with performing arts for an international site-specific residency programme in Copenhagen.

Metropolis Residency is a unique international urban residency programme aimed at performing artists with an interdisciplinary approach who have an interest in researching, creating and producing work in public space and the public realm.

In 2020, Metropolis will organise two residencies of one month. Each residency will have a specific focus and a co-curating artist. Each residency will be for five participants (4 international artists and 1 Danish artist).

Artists will be working on their own research, but also with a focus on exchanges and collective explorations guided by the co-curating artist.

  • 5 July - 2 August 2020, Mapping the City: Exploring different sensorial mapping methods of places and situations in order to develop new dramaturgical / choreographic / spatial structures and contexts. Co-curator: Salomé Mooij (NL).

  • 9 August - 6 September 2020, Performative Landscapes: Exploring co-creation between humans and landscapes to develop new ways to relate and reconnect to nature and our surroundings. Co-curator: Nana Francisca Schottländer (DK).

The organisers will provide:

  • A shared studio space for the group and necessary materials/equipment.

  • Travel to and from Copenhagen.

  • Accommodation, food, a bike and insurance.

  • A minimum bursary.

  • Support with any applications you make to secure additional funding.


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