Ljubljana UNESCO City of Literature is calling for applications from foreign published writers for two one-month residencies at the Švicarija/Swisshouse Creative Centre, which is part of the International Centre of Graphic Arts. The residency periods are 1–30 April 2025 and 1–30 November 2025.
Ljubljana boasts a vibrant art scene and offers an array of diverse literary events, ranging from alternative performances to major international festivals. The residency, established in 2018, provides peace and quiet for uninterrupted writing, while also offering opportunities to actively participate in the city’s literary life.
The resident is encouraged to show an interest, and partake, in local literary events and other related activities – which will be coordinated according to other local events as well as the needs and interests of the given resident. However, if the resident so wishes, they may request not to be distracted in order to use the time and space for writing and/or research.
The residency is aimed at foreign published writers with a palpable, factual relation with any of the other UNESCO Cities of Literature (this means the applicant is or has been living in one of the other cities of literature or is related to a city of literature through work). The applicant must have published at least one book of fiction (be it prose, poetry or drama) in their language.
Each resident will receive a sum amount of the grant and travel expenses of 1,250 EUR gross in total, accommodation, and local public transportation costs including airport transfer.