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La Nature Festival: Call for Projects (Belgium)

La Nature Festival

In 2022, La Nature Festival entered a three-year thematic cycle called ‘Immersio’. Its aim is to follow the flow of nature and its impact on the evolution of organic matter, the biological phenomena, from photosynthesis to decomposition and all the steps in between.

This year, the festival will tackle the final stage of the cycle, named Mycelium. It has two calls – one for projects that respond to this theme and another open call for projects that are not thematically connected to it.

In both cases they are looking for projects that are particularly relevant to the following disciplines:

  • Artistic Performance
    • of which purpose is not only musical (dance, happenings, improvisation, body art, theatre… this list is not exhaustive);
    • the intervention can happen on- or off-stage, spatially fixed or mobile;
    • cannot be hosted inside a building;
    • has to be adapted to the Belgian weather.
  • Artistic Installation
    • contemplative and/or conceptual and/or interactive.

The festival offers:

  • Several budget packages ranging from 250 EUR to 3000 EUR will be granted and should include all costs (travel, material, production, wages).
  • Accommodation on the festival site (tent, dormitory) if needed.

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