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Goethe-Institut: Viceversa German–Persian Translation Workshop (Germany)

11 people sitting around a long table talking

Goethe-Institut im Exil is calling for applications from literary translators from German-speaking countries, Iran and Afghanistan for the third Persian <> German translation workshop from 3 to 10 November 2024 in Berlin.

The tried and tested format of the bilingual workshop discussions ViceVersa has become the model for numerous training courses and aims to promote exchange among colleagues. The focus is on the intensive discussion of unfinished, not-yet-published translations. The submitted texts are circulated among the participants in advance, and they are expected to read them critically in preparation.

The German translator Jutta Himmelreich and the Iranian translator Mahmoud Hosseini Zad will structure and moderate the seminar work. The workshop is open to ten (preferably five German and five Persian or Dari-speaking) literary translators from German-speaking countries, Iran and Afghanistan, preferably with publishing experience, who are interested in in-depth exchanges about translating and communicating our literature in the other cultural area.

All types of text – fiction, poetry, theatre, essays, children’s books, non-fiction, etc. – are welcome.

Participation in the workshop, including accommodation and meals, is free of charge. Travel expenses will be reimbursed.


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