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Goethe-Institut Denmark > Residency in Leipzig for Artists in Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland (Germany)

Goethe-Institut Denmark have issued an open call for a three-month residency at Spinnerei Leipzig which will run 2 August – 29 October 2021. The programme is open to artists working and living in Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland.

LIA-Leipzig International Art Programme is an art programme and non-profit artist residency at the Spinnerei Leipzig, a 10 hectare, internationally renowned art factory with over 120 art studios, galleries and art institutions.

Goethe-Institut Dänemark offer an 80 m² furnished studio to live and work in and a one-time payment of 500 € towards travel costs and material.

The residency also includes a group show in September, and full payment for the production of one print theme at the Atelier für Radierung Maria und Vlado Ondrej etching studio. Please note that the team of the print studio also works with artists who do not work in the field of print making. They help with and teach everything necessary.

Ultimately the project aims to produce a Northern European print edition as part of a traveling exhibition, given your permission.


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