The deadline for this call has now passed. See the news page for more open calls.

Festival Opera Prima: Experimental Theatre and Performing Arts Projects (Italy)

Poster of the call with two arms reaching.

The call is open to single artists or emerging and independent professional companies (national and international) that work as professionals in the field of contemporary theatre, dance and performing arts, practicing experimental theatre or experimentation on scenic languages.

The selected performances are going to be included in the XXI edition of Festival Opera Prima (Rovigo, Italy) and are going to be performed from 11 to 15 June 2025.

The Festival,organised by the Association Festival Opera Prima, wants to become a bridge between different theatrical generations: in addition to the performances selected by this call, every year there will be four European important theatre/dance/performing artists or groups, that have to invite to the festival an unknown young artist or an unknown young group.

The Festival commission selects both original works that have not been yet performed, as well as works that have already debut, but which have not had an adequate circulation and/or visibility. The submitted works must be no longer than 60 minutes.

All expenses and practices concerning the organisation, communication, staff, promotion of the event will be in charge of the Festival. The festival will cover accommodation and it will provide a fee to the artists for the performance and for the refund of travel costs.


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