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ENCC: Cultural Centres and Disability – Survey on Cooperation with Service Providers

ENCC logo - letters next to a four-point compass coloured red, orange, green and blue.

ENCC – European Network of Cultural Centres and the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities has launched a survey on Cultural Centres and Disability.

The survey is part of a wider study that will look at both cultural providers and disability service providers in the light of the necessity for them to respond to the commitments outlined in the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The article 30 of this convention, in particular, engages them to:

  • Take all necessary measures to guarantee the right of persons with disabilities to participate in cultural life on an equal basis with others.
  • Take appropriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to develop and utilise their creative, artistic and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit, but also for the enrichment of society.

The survey is aimed at arts and culture organisations such as cultural centres, community centres, other arts and culture organisations, arts education providers, etc. as well as disability service providers such as daycare centres, NGOs, and educational institutions for persons with disabilities.


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