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Dekoloniale Berlin Residency, ‘Agitprop’ (Germany)

Dekoloniale Berlin Residency 2023 - ‘Agitprop’

Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City is pleased to announce the third open call for the Dekoloniale Berlin Residency 2023. They invite artists, architects, designers, directors, performers, fashion designers, writers or urban practitioners to apply for a residency at Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City of Berlin. Applicants are invited to uncover and transform historical colonial stratifications and dominant narratives in Berlin’s public space.

In 2023, Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City will focus on Berlin’s West Side, examining in depth the city districts of Charlottenburg and Wilmersdorf as well as those bordering parts of Schöneberg that historically used to be part of Charlottenburg.

The term ‘Agitprop’ emerged from the Russian Revolution about 100 years ago, linking the words agitation and propaganda to describe art practices that seek to instigate revolutionary social change and radically imagine and project different realities and possible futures. Since then, artists in a wide variety of political and cultural contexts have employed similar creative approaches, suitable for reproduction and wide dissemination. Even though the denomination Agitprop holds a negative connotation for many, Agitprop aesthetics have had an immense impact on international modernist as well as contemporary cultural practices, particularly in visual arts, graphic design, and theatre – highlighting its radical potential to instigate social change.

The AGITP[R]OP! residencies 2023 creatively connect contemporary art devoted to social change with historic moments in political activism, highlighting activities that seek to motivate broad and diverse publics. Exploring the complexity and possibility of artistic interventions in range, and impact of these artistic practices – including photography, film, prints, banners, fashion, street actions, performance, songs, digital files, or web platforms – the residencies are expected to expand over their run within this unique and dynamic framework. During applications residents choose to either focus on a topic or develop a project around one of three specific locations in West Berlin.

The three selected residents will be expected to co-create artistic interventions in the public sphere and present them in the framework of the Dekoloniale Festival and the Dekoloniale exhibit in September 2023 and are encouraged to consider hybrid modes of thought, research, and practice. Collaborative formats and forms of expression that expand disciplinary boundaries are favoured.

The residents are provided with travel costs, accommodation and a per diem in Berlin throughout the residency period, a production budget for the implementation of the project, and a fee. They will have full access to the Dekoloniale project space, curatorial guidance, and production support depending on needs and availability.


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