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Cairo Calling for Emerging Performing Artists from Egypt, the Arab World, and the UK (Egypt)

Text of the call with partner logos and a strike-through on 'Cairo Calling'.

Within Arab Arts Focus’ (AAF) framework, and during the 12th edition of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF) organised by Orient Productions, ‘Cairo Calling: Emerging Performing Artists from Egypt, the Arab World, and the UK’ is now open for applications. The programme will host 10 emerging performing artists for a residency and training sessions during D-CAF in Cairo from 17 October to 10 November 2024, and showcase an additional four performances from 7 to 9 November 2024.

These are two separate activities within the programme, and will require separate applications. Applicants can apply for both. Both programmes are for performing artists (directors/choreographers) who have previously produced one or two performances and who have an Arab nationality or are of Arab descent, living in Egypt, the Arab region, or the UK.

The training programme is for those currently developing a performance which will not premiere before November 2024, whether at the ideation, fundraising, or production phase.

The performance showcase is for a completed new work which was produced between 2022 to 2024, with a maximum of four to six people on tour.

Travel, accommodation, per diem, and airport transfers in Cairo will be provided for both the training programme and the performance showcase. The performance showcase also includes symbolic compensation and technical and production support.


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