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Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology: ARTcib SciArt Residency 2024–25 (Austria)

Text of the open call on top of coloured circles.

The Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) is has announced the first open call for the ARTcib SciArt Residency at three academic partners of the acib academic partner network. With this open call they aim at opening up the academic as well as industry-related research at acib to enter into dialogue with artists and to push the boundaries of the inter- and transdisciplinary discourse in the field.

In this first ARTcib SciArt Residency an artist is invited to explore the research at three research groups in microbiology, focusing on the role of yeasts as transformative agents, the potential of self-sustaining systems concerning carbon and nutrient cycles, and computational modelling of organisms and such settings in the context of an ongoing artistic discourse with respect to space art.

The residency will take place in Vienna with a minimum of eight weeks on-site with the scientists at three different universities. The on-site residency period will take place between summer 2024 and early spring 2025 and can be divided into several shorter visits. Additionally, the residency will be supported in a hybrid format with online sessions between the on-site visits. The residency start will take place on-site.

The first phase of the residency will be dedicated to artistic research, exploration, and art-science collaboration, including potential hands-on work in the laboratories, a joint artistic experiment, and dedicated work with the scientific partners working on computational models. The second phase of the residency will focus on the definition of an original, leading-edge artwork and its production. In summer 2025, the artwork will be exhibited as part of a highly visible, international group show (envisioned dates May – July 2025).

Benefits include an artist fee of 10,000 EUR, a production budget for the creation of the new artwork up to 25,000 EUR, and travel and accommodation.


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