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3C - Calce Culture Contemporaine: Habit’Art Residency for a Female Visual Artist (France)

Calce Culture Contemporaine

The Habit’Art residency is being organised by 3C: Calce Culture Contemporaine in partnership with La Spanda winery, located in the towns of Calce and Espira de l’Agly. It is intended for a female visual artist, who will develop her research and artistic creation anchored in the local rural territory. The artist will live and work in the village of Calce and in the cellar of the La Spanda estate in Espira de l’Agly from 22 September – 22 October 2022.

The objective of the residency is to carry out visual art research leading to the creation of an original artwork, and to involve the public in this through public talks, workshops and other interventions. The artwork created by the artist will be presented the following year, in 2023, as part of an exhibition in the village of Calce, and elsewhere during exhibitions and tours. (Exhibitions will be subject to a specific contract between 3C and the artist.)

Some of the actions planned for the residency can take place online or remotely when necessary.

The organisers provide:

  • Accommodation: single room made available by Virginie Maignien, the winery’s owner. The artist will have access to the other installations of the house.
  • Working space: workshop located in the cellar of La Spanda winery, in Espira de l’Agly, made available by the owner.
  • Residency grant: €1800 including tax.
  • Production costs: €750 including tax.
  • Restoration costs will be paid to the artist at the start of the residency. They are calculated according to a scale established by the State.
  • Transport costs will be reimbursed to the artist upon presentation of an invoice. They include a round trip from the artist’s place of residence to the village of Maury and they amount to a maximum of €600.

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