Visual Arts & Design

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601 - 612 of 854 results
  • A somewhat ghostly mirror, hanging in midair, reflecting sea waves on its surface.
    Mystetskyi Arsenal / Austrian Cultural Forum Kyiv: Ukrainian-Austrian Art Residency (Ukraine / Online)
    The Ukrainian-Austrian Art Residency invites visual artists from Ukraine and Lower Austria to participate in the Temporary Un/Availability programme. Participating artists will analyse how the study of the digital image expands visionary possibilities and provokes the creation of poetic language. The residency will be held in a hybrid format: online, 1 July - 26 August 2021; and offline, 19-23 September 2021 in Kyiv.
    Posted 4 May 2021
  • Card filled with Japanese Kanji.
    Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio: Remote Residency (Online)
    In 2021, in accordance with measures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio’s residency programme for visual artists is accepting remote participation (online residency) where physical presence is not required. The residency will last 60 days from 31 August – 29 October 2021. Applicants must have a nationality other than Japanese and live in a country other than Japan.
    Posted 3 May 2021
  • AIR Niederösterreich Programme for Architects, Visual Artists, Musicians and Writers (Austria)
    AIR – Artist in Residence Niederösterreich offers living and working spaces for architects, visual artists, musicians and writers in Krems an der Donau for a period of one to three months.
    Posted 2 May 2021
  • NTAA logo - name spelled out in four colours yellow, pink, green and blue.
    Call for Entries for NTAA – New Technological Art Award (Belgium)
    The New Technological Art Award (NTAA) tries to fill in a gap in the mainstream art world by paying attention to the technological developments that drive our global culture. This international competition is open to all age groups and to all nationalities. Artists can present their candidacy for one art work less than two years old at the time of its submission, but which may already have been exhibited. Selected works will be shown 5 February – 13 March 2022 at the Liedts-Meesen Foundation in Ghent.
    Posted 30 April 2021
  • Logo for phileas - name in italics with the dot on the i flying high.
    Phileas: Funding for the Internationalisation of Austrian Contemporary Art
    Phileas is an independent philanthropic organisation based in Vienna that raises private funding to support and co-produce ambitious projects within the field of contemporary art. A particular focus lies on the commission and production of exhibitions by Austrian artists abroad. Phileas also organises and funds research trips for international curators and critics to Austrian museums, galleries and artists’ studios. Applications are now open to institutions who wish to apply for project funding in 2022.
    Posted 30 April 2021
  • Ferme-Asile: Residency Programme for Visual Arts, Sound and Performing Arts (Switzerland)
    The Ferme-Asile of Sion officially announces the opening of 3 residencies for artists residing outside of Switzerland. These will take place between November 2021 and July 2022.
    Posted 20 April 2021
  • Wearing safety goggles and a mask, a man uses a power tool to cut into the bed of stone he is sculpting.
    Riyadh Art: Open Call for Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium (Saudi Arabia)
    Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium (TISS) will consist of 20 sculptors from around the world coming together to produce a series of permanent public sculptures. The 22-day Symposium (10 November – 2 December 2021) is a platform for international and Saudi artists to create public sculptures in a live setting. Applications are open to stone sculptors of all nationalities with at least 5 years of experience exhibiting works permanently or temporarily in outdoor spaces or galleries.
    Posted 15 April 2021
  • IASPIS – the Swedish Arts Grants Committee International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts (Sweden)
    IASPIS – the Swedish Arts Grants Committee International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts are looking for a guest curator for a limited period of time, who would liaise with the management and other staff on developing operations at IASPIS. The position is full time, with a fixed term of one year, with a possible extension, starting on 1 October 2021 or by agreement.
    Posted 15 April 2021
  • Curated Affairs: Call for Artists Based in Warsaw to Propose a Project on the Work of Joseph Beuys (Germany)
    To mark the 100th birthday of Joseph Beuys and to honour the town twinning between Poland’s capital Warsaw and the state capital Düsseldorf, the curatorial outfit Curated Affairs are pleased to invite two professional artists based in Warsaw to attend a 14 day research residency in Düsseldorf, preferably in July 2021. There is no age restriction. The submission of a research project proposal on the work of Joseph Beuys is required.
    Posted 13 April 2021
  • Tranzit: ERSTE Foundation Fellowships for the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg (Austria)
    ERSTE Foundation is offering five fellowships for young artists and five fellowships for emerging curators from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia to take part in a course of their choice at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg between 19 July – 28 August 2021.
    Posted 2 April 2021
  • ECHO II: Call for Artists (Greece)
    ECHO II: Traditions In Transition is a European cultural project inviting artists living in North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Hungary, and working in the fields of painting, sculpture, graphic design, fashion design, craftwork and mural to create original artworks inspired by the following selected local traditions.
    Posted 1 April 2021
  • A map of the Mata do Fontelo in Viseu.
    POLDRA – Public Sculpture Project Viseu: Open Call for a Site-Specific Public Artwork (Portugal)
    POLDRA – Public Sculpture Project Viseu promotes site-specific contemporary public art / art in public space. This open call (with a focus on sculpture) seeks proposals for works designed specifically for the Mata do Fontelo (Viseu, Portugal) and reflecting on the subject of art in public space. POLDRA’s 2021 edition will be inaugurated in October 2021 and the selected proposals must be installed and on site up to 5 days before the inauguration date (to be determined).
    Posted 29 March 2021
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