Our News
- Le guide ultime pour les managers culturel.le.s, L'affranchissement du droit d'auteur pour le spectacle vivant dans un contexte international - Version française
- European Funded Projects 2019: Focus on Circus and Street Arts
- Survey on Disability and the Performing Arts Sector in Europe
- Guide to funding opportunities for the international mobility of artists and culture professionals - TAIWAN
- New Working Group on (En)forced Mobility
- SHIFT - Shared Initiatives for Training > On the Move is a partner of this new EU funded project
- Livestreaming (En)forced Mobility, A conversation hosted by On the Move, in partnership with Howlround
- Cultural Mobility Funding Guide - Africa / Guide de la mobilité culturelle - Afrique
- Move on! > Un guide européen en 12 étapes pour votre développement à l'international
- In 2019, On the Move took part in....
- Guide des fondations privées en France, Financements Art + Culture + International
- Guide des opportunités de financements de la mobilité culturelle - France / Guide to opportunities of cultural mobility funding- France