Our News

  • Le guide ultime pour les managers culturel.le.s, L'affranchissement du droit d'auteur pour le spectacle vivant dans un contexte international - Version française
    Le travail transfrontalier, les tournées et les collaborations internationales sont au plus profond de l’ADN du secteur du spectacle vivant. Ce guide se veut un « livre de cuisine », en proposant des recettes de travail pour les managers culturel·le·s travaillant dans le secteur du spectacle vivant en Europe.
    26 Jan 2021
  • European Funded Projects 2019: Focus on Circus and Street Arts
    An update of Circostrada’s publication mapping EU funding to circus and street arts.
    30 Sep 2020
  • Survey on Disability and the Performing Arts Sector in Europe
    On the Move is working with the British Council to survey the knowledge and experience of European cultural operators in relation to disabled artists and their work.
    22 Sep 2020
  • Guide to funding opportunities for the international mobility of artists and culture professionals - TAIWAN
    The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan and the Taiwan Art Spaces Alliance (TASA), in collaboration with On the Move, have co-produced this first guide to funding opportunities for the international mobility of artists and cultural professionals in Taiwan. More than 100 funding schemes and additional resources are listed in this first 2020 edition of the cultural mobility funding guide focused on Taiwan.
    24 Aug 2020
  • New Working Group on (En)forced Mobility
    The (En)forced Mobility working group is a new initiative from members of On the Move’s network. (En)forced mobility refers to an artist or a cultural professional whose mobility is not purely voluntary. It can be linked to taking up a professional opportunity in another country or region, such as a performance, exhibition, residency or study, but there is a definite element of constraint.
    15 Jul 2020
  • SHIFT - Shared Initiatives for Training > On the Move is a partner of this new EU funded project
    Climate change, gender equality and inclusion of minorities are key challenges for our rapidly changing world. Arts and culture have a recognised role in shaping societies and have the potential to significantly contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all as recognised in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project SHIFT will provide training initiatives for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges.
    12 Jul 2020
  • Livestreaming (En)forced Mobility, A conversation hosted by On the Move, in partnership with Howlround
    A public session presented by On the Move in partnership with HowlRound Theatre Commons about (En)forced Mobility moderated by Mary Ann DeVlieg with colleagues and artists from Tamizdat Inc., Touring Artists, the International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) and Cité internationale des arts, Paris. Check the video and the additional resources.
    7 Jun 2020
  • Cultural Mobility Funding Guide - Africa / Guide de la mobilité culturelle - Afrique
    The third edition of the Guide to funding opportunities for the international mobility of artists and culture professionals - AFRICA is now online thanks to the research of Art Moves Africa, the support of the Institut français and the coordination of On the Move.
    29 Jan 2020
  • Move on! > Un guide européen en 12 étapes pour votre développement à l'international
    Move on! est un guide pratique destiné aux artistes et professionnel.le.s de la culture européen.n.e.s en début de carrière internationale. Le guide Move on! présente des conseils pratiques et des ressources en ligne qui peuvent être utiles pour les artistes et professionnel.l.e.s de la culture européen.n.e.s, y compris les enseignant.e.s d’écoles d’art ou universités, issu.e.s de toutes les disciplines.
    10 Jan 2020
  • In 2019, On the Move took part in....
    Check the events in which On the Move took part in 2019, as an organiser, contributor, facilitator, evaluator etc. Interested in being partner with On the Move? Contact us at mobility(at)on-the-move.org.
    9 Dec 2019
  • Guide des fondations privées en France, Financements Art + Culture + International
    Ce guide des fondations privées en France, Financements Art + Culture + International, vise à compléter le ‘Guide des Opportunités de Financements de la Mobilité des Artistes et des Professionnels de la Culture pour la France’ , en mettant en avant principalement des fondations d’entreprises ou familiales privées qui soutiennent des projets ou des initiatives artistiques (toutes disciplines confondues) ayant une dimension européenne et/ou internationale.
    30 Oct 2019
  • Guide des opportunités de financements de la mobilité culturelle - France / Guide to opportunities of cultural mobility funding- France
    Découvrez la version 2019 éditée du guide des opportunités de financements de la mobilité culturelle pour la France. Un grand merci à Laura Jude pour cette actualisation. Le guide des opportunités de financements de la mobilité culturelle pour la France reçoit le soutien du Ministère de la Culture-France.
    29 Oct 2019
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