Our News

  • OTM granted funding for 2011-2013 within the EU Culture programme
    OTM is happy to announce that our new network has been awarded a multiannual operational grant from the EU Culture Programme Strand 2 for 2011-2013. This framework partnership agreement (in other words, multiannual grant) will allow OTM to have a longer-term perspective to our work programme. OTM is committed, in the next three years to come, to build on the lessons learnt in the 2010 transition year and continue to develop the organisation. OTM’s objectives for the years 2011-2013 are:
    23 Mar 2011
  • OTM reports on the conference "The Contribution of Culture to the Implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy"
    OTM was represented by its President, Martina Marti, at the conference promoted by the Hungarian EU Presidency to discuss the role of culture in the success of the Europe 2020 Strategy, that took place in Budapest, 28 February - 1 March. Martina reports and questions “On What Kind Of Move?” does Europe need to grow in a sustainable way.
    23 Mar 2011
  • On the Move announces new Board and team members in 2011
    On the Move is happy to announce a new Executive Board and team members in 2011! On the Move’s General Assembly gathered in Glasgow last November elected the following Executive Board: -Martina Marti, President - Independent Theatre Director, OTM member in her individual capacity -Luigi Gageos, Vice-President - President of jmEvents -Richard Polácek, Délégué général - Independent Advisor on European culture policies, OTM member in his individual capacity -Angie Cotte, Treasurer - Secretary General of the Roberto Cimetta Fund
    9 Feb 2011
  • OTM updated publications: DOWNLOAD now!
    On-the-Move has updated its popular publications. These are available as free downloads. They will be translated into Spanish and published in 2009 thanks to our funding partner Fundacion Autor/SGAE in Spain.
    6 Jan 2010
  • Boletín en español - Newsletter available in Spanish!
    Gracias a nuestro colaborador en España, El Centro Dramático de Aragón, el boletín será traducido al español cada mez y enviado días después al mailing general. Si estás interesado en recibir esta nueva versión al castellano del boletín, por favor, envianós tu solicitud y dirección de e-mail a: http://on-the-move.org/.
    25 Nov 2008
  • On-the-Move: 2006 statistics & activities
    An update for site users on our very positive user statistics for 2006, recent activities of OTM and an appeal for assistance to ensure the future sustainability of the site. ______________________________________________________ DOWNLOAD this report (.doc) ______________________________________________________
    17 Nov 2006
  • Right to mobility for artists: please sign the 'Schengen Opera' petition
    The right to mobility is a fundamental freedom for artists - please sign the petition and add your voice. The initiative was created by the “Schengen Opera” collective who wish to draw the attention of the European Parliament and other decision makers to the issue. SIGN HERE: http://schengenopera.free.fr Let us call him Ahmed… or Mamadou… It could be Angeline, as well…
    31 Oct 2006
  • European Court of Justice condemns France for foreign performers employment issues
    Important news for many arts organisations in France and abroad: on the 15 June 2006 the European Court of Justice condemned France and stated that the French legislation on licenses for artist employment agencies and also the legislation on the presumption of employment status for artists in the performing arts from other EU countries is in contradiction to the principal of free provision of services within the European Community. [Link in English below]
    2 Oct 2006
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