Performers' Rights in European Legislation

Publication cover - title text and disclaimer on a white page.

AEPO-ARTIS, the Association of European Performers’ Associations, has published a study on performers’ rights under European Legislation.

AEPO-ARTIS unites 27 collective management organisations for performers operating in 21 European countries, and represents them at European level. AEPO-ARTIS main objectives consist of developing and securing a wider recognition of the collective administration of performers’ rights.

Performers in all cultural fields - musicians, singers, actors, dancers … - enjoy certain intellectual property rights aimed at protecting their performances and the use made of their work. These rights were introduced at international level and subsequently at European level. The study assesses the impact of European legislation (acquis communautaire) on the actual protection of performers’ rights in 10 European countries: Croatia, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain and the United Kingdom.

This useful study is published in English with a summary in 9 European languages.