This list of resources was first started in the early days of the pandemic. It is now archived – in large part because we expanded our regular editorial policy to include all the online collaborations, residencies and other programmes that we might otherwise have listed here. You can now find these on our news page. Even if you aren’t able to travel, there are still opportunities out there to work, create and be mobile.
All sectors are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic but we are very much aware that the alternative and independent art scene is under intense pressure.
This list of resources, produced in partnership with On the Move member Circostrada, was first compiled in 14 March 2020, and was kept up to date in the following months as a way to gather information and initiatives internationally that would be useful to share, know about, and/or be inspired by.
General advice
- Rationale for the JRC COVID-19 website - data monitoring and national measures (Europe)
- Mapping the coronavirus pandemic in African countries
- The European Commission response team (health, mobility and economy)
- Key health messages on the Coronavirus pandemic in 22 languages
- #StayTheFuckHome - A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic (en, es, fr, it, pl, pt, it, ru, fa)
- DIY resources to make face masks, ventilators and other open designs and p2p hardware for use in Corona response
Health and safety information related to mobility and travel
- Maps in support of the Council Recommendation on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the EU/EEA and the UK
- Covid-19 travel restrictions in Nordic countries
- Live DMA COVID-19 map of the European live music sector
- Covid 19 - the travel map, Belgium (and other countries / regions in Europe)
- Official website and app, Reopen Europe
- Which European countries have opened their borders ahead of the summer holiday season?
- Interactive Coronavirus (Covid-19) Travel Regulations Map (powered by Timatic)
- Tourism and transport: Commission’s guidance on how to safely resume travel and reboot Europe’s tourism in 2020 and beyond (13 May)
- A European roadmap to lifting coronavirus containment measures
- Carte pour suivre l’évolution du coronavirus en Afrique / Map to follow the evolution of the coronavirus in Africa
- Travel restrictions map in Europe (community based)
- Africa is starting to lock out the world to slow the spread of coronavirus on the continent (16 March 2020)
- In Europe: information related to the music sector but that can be applicable to other sectors. The introduction by WBM Expertise is in French but the information on the situation in various European countries is in English
- Safety and health measures in European countries (list compiled by EMEE)
- Mobility to the USA during the Covid-19 pandemic - Information compiled by Tamizdat
Campaigns or online petitions for the arts and cultural sector
- Open letter to the EU demanding support for the cultural and creative sectors in the COVID crisis
- Emergency basic income for the EU
- Passenger Pigeon Manifesto, A call to public galleries, libraries, archives, and museums to liberate our cultural heritage. Illustrated with the cautionary tales of extinct species and our lack of access to what remains of them
- A call to invest in all our creative futures by prominent European artists
- Open Letter to Museums and Galleries in support of education and other essential workers
- COVID-19: An open letter from African intellectuals to Africa’s leaders
- A new policy statement for the arts in Flanders: A summary
- Manifeste pour soutenir les travailleurs et travailleuses de la culture
- ‘Les artistes sont légitimes pour construire l’avenir avec ceux qui les gouvernent’
- N’oubliez pas les autrices et les auteurs du spectacle vivant !
- Concerts debout touchés en plein coeur
- Mesdames, Messieurs, les artistes-auteur•e•s réclament votre attention !
- UFISC et autres réseaux / organisations : Est-ce trop demander que de la cohérence, Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Premier Ministre, Monsieur le Ministre ?
- Soutenez les Etats Généraux du Festival Off d’Avignon !
- Sauvons les Alliances françaises
- SYNDEAC: Lettre ouverte au Président de la République
- Artistes-Auteurs : 8 préconisations urgentes
- L’appel des indépendants - Acte 2
- Courrier de la FRAAP adressé aux conseillers arts plastiques des DRAC et aux Régions
- Année Blanche pour les Intermittents du Spectacle
- La FRAAP: quelle politique publique de soutien pour les acteurs culturels de proximité les plus fragiles
- SNAM: Les Musiciens veulent des actes !
- #COVID-19 Les métiers d’art doivent être pris en compte dans les dispositifs d’aides !
- Renouvellement des droits des intermittents du spectacle année noire 2020
- Culture en danger Lettre ouverte au Président de la République
- Déclaration commune des organisations d’employeurs et salariés du spectacle vivant et enregistré / via le SYNDEAC
- Mobilisation et coopération contre le COVID 19 via l’UFISC
- Pour un fonds unique en faveur des artistes-auteurs
- Communiqué de presse concernant la SPEDIDAM
- Coronavirus - Égalité des indemnités entre tous les indépendants
- Appel des artistes et des salariés de la culture (via la FEVIS)
- Pétition pour le soutien des intermittents
- Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V: Letter to the Senate Department of Culture
- Emergency aid fund for Berlin’s artists
- Hilfen für Freiberufler und Künstler während des Corona-Shutdowns
- ACTA - Le proposte di Acta per sostenere i lavoratori indipendenti durante e dopo l’emergenza Covid-19
- Italian museum directors demand national fund for culture
- To support precarious workers and freelancers
- Appello per sostegno urgente ai lavoratori dello spettacolo
- art for all jp: Emergency Support Measures Request for the Visual Arts
- Working Group of the Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research and the Japan Association for Cultural Economics: ‘Proposals for the Cultural field impacted by covid-19’ including urgent recommendation on policy and measure to the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
The Netherlands
Russian federation
- Online petition by independent artists and producers and addressed to the Government of the Russian Federation with the request to support the independent culture and art sector in times of crisis followed due to coronavirus
- Informe de situación de los Artistas Visuales y medidas ante la crisis del COVID-19
- Mobilisation of the sector to ask for extraordinary measures
- Suspensión inmediata del pago de autónomos mientras dure la crisis del coronavirus
United Kingdom
- Self employed to access full pay through HMRC
- Create an emergency fund to support freelancers with Coronavirus income loss
- A call for a cultural new deal for cultural and racial justice
- In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the U.S. Performing Arts Sector, Requests Assistance from USCIS and Department of State
- Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund are standing up for the arts in America during COVID-19 (19 March)
Statements by organisations, networks and foundations
European institutions (Commission / Parliament) + EU ministers of Culture
- President Higgins (Ireland) responds to the employment crisis of the Arts and Cultural Sector in the European Union
- European Parliament: Rethink “deeply disappointing” budget proposals, says Culture and Education Committee
- Video conference of Ministers of Culture - May 2020 (19 May) and summary of the conference
- Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the new MFF, own resources and the Recovery Plan (13 May)
- Culture Committee chair Verheyen calls for doubling money for Creative Europe (12 May)
- European Parliament: COVID-19: Save European culture and values, MEPs tell Commission
- Declaration by the Ministers of Culture and Media of EU countries within the scope of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
- European Parliament, EU funds must reach media and creative sector, say MEPs (21 April 2020)
- European Parliament, Sabine Verheyen: ‘New funds must reach creative sectors immediately‘ (27 March 2020)
- European Parliament (Culture and Education Committee Chair)
- UNESCO - More than 130 Ministers call for support to culture sector in COVID-19 crisis response
- UNESCO rallies Culture Ministers and partners to respond to COVID-19’s impact on the culture sector
Networks / Alliance of Organisations
- Culture in EU’s External Relations: The Way Forward by More Europe
- PEARLE*: Call for EU and Member States to provide targeted support through the EU recovery package
- European Social Partners of the Live Performance Sector Call for a Coordinated Action Plan to Secure the Recovery and Sustainability of the European Cultural Sector
- Culture Action Europe: Make culture central in the EU Recovery | Open letter
- Music Authors and Performers Strongly Denounce Epidemic Sound’s Malpractices and its Profound Disrespect for the Their Rights
- Policy Statement on the Cultural Recovery of Europe by IETM
- Renewing the European music scene - statement by the Liveurope members
- Open Letter to the European Commission on the Consultation on Opportunities Offered by Digital Technologies for the Culture Heritage Sector (3 September)
- Support More Culture!, More Europe! Manifesto In favour of culture and for the relaunch of the European project
- Europa Cantat: Singing improves people’s lives, now as much as ever
- Caribbean leaders urged to diversify creative economy post-COVID
- EUNIC: Make cultural relations count
- Culture Action Europe: Uphold culture in the EU budget
- FSE President Carolin Otto calls on EU Culture Ministers to put arts, culture & creativity at the centre of our recovery
- Music organisations and networks: #BetterMusicCities
- The live performance calls for a joint and proportionate approach to reopening venues and events to audiences via PEARLE* (13 May)
- Europe’s cultural and creative sectors call for ambitious EU budgetary measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis
- A message from Simon Brault, Chair of the IFACCA Board, on the COVID-19 crisis
- European Cultural Foundation and Culture Action Europe: The Future of Culture and Creative sectors in post-COVID-19 Europe
- Platforma Kooperativa - PUBLIC STATEMENT on the consequences of crises caused by Coronavirus outbreak for the civil society organisations in the field of culture in South-East Europe
- CAE position on the post-coronavirus 2021-2027 MFF (29 April)
- REMA and 28 other cultural networks: Now Europe needs culture and culture needs Europe (REMA statement in French, REMA statement in Spanish)
- UCLG: Decalogue for the post COVID-19 era
- #Culture2030goal Statement on ‘Culture and the COVID-19 pandemic’
- HIVOS, DOEN and Prince Claus Fund, Call for solidarity: The crucial role of arts and culture in a time of global crisis
- #Culture2030goal Statement on ‘Culture and the COVID-19 pandemic’
- HIVOS, DOEN and Prince Claus Fund, Call for solidarity: The crucial role of arts and culture in a time of global crisis
- Via Eurozine: Health, trust and journalism, a coronavirus plan for the media
- Rescue the arts: plea to national governments by IETM* with Circostrada*, ETC and IN SITU
- Music sector joints to address national and EU investment to address the current crisis and promote the diversity
- European Theatre Convention: Coronavirus Pandemic: Theatres in Europe Urge Support from EU and Member States
- IMPALA adopts urgent crisis plan calling for urgent action across Europe
- Culture Action Europe and European cultural networks, including On the Move, about the Creative Europe programme (20 March 2020)
- European Festivals’ Association : COVID-19 - Expressing our solidarity towards the festivals
- Festival for Solidarity (via the Festivals’ Academy)
- ENCATC (the page includes the solidarity statement of ENCATC together with other networks / organisations’ networks)
- Culture Action Europe
- European Music Council
- European Cultural Foundation, calling for a culture of solidarity
- European Theatre Convention
- NEMO: COVID-19’s impact on the European museum sector
- PEARLE, FIA* and UNI-MEI for the support of the performing arts sector
- National Performance Network (USA): statement with resources
Adjusted schemes from governmental or public bodies and private organisations
Europe / international
- Culture in crisis: policy guide for a resilient creative sector / UNESCO
- OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Culture shock: COVID-19 and the cultural and creative sectors
- The best COVID-19 support for the arts around the world
- European Cultural Foundation and Culture Action Europe
- KEA: A short analysis on national COVID-19 support measures for the CCS in the EU
- KEA unveils interactive visualization on national measures to mitigate the COVID-19 impact on CCS
- Covid-19 responses by countries (updates by UNESCO)
- Updates by IFCCD
- Wikipedia page (including a subection on funding): Impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic on the arts and cultural heritage
- List of responses to the arts and cultural sector by governments in Europe to the Covid 19 situation - List by EUNIC (additional links)
- List by Contemporary Lynx of emergency grants and funds (International)
- COVID-19 : Art and Culture Resources in Africa and The Middle East (including funding) (en, fr, ar)
- Global responses to Covid19 in the arts and cultural sector by IFACCA (regularly updated)
- Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in time of coronavirus (Europe) (regularly updated)
- Government responses to the impact of COVID-19 on the arts and creative industries (regularly updated by BYP group)
- UCLG Culture 21: The cultural mobilization of cities and local governments in the COVID-19 crisis (including funding)
- European Foundation Centre: Updates of Private Foundations’ funding schemes related to the coronavirus (including in some cases for the arts and cultural sector) (regularly updated)
- KEA European Affairs: A collaborative map to track the coronavirus policy measures (regularly updated)
- Information about grants and loans in the UK, US, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy to help you get through the Covid-19 crisis, by the Art Newspaper
- Check the news section of On the Move with covid-19 related calls and funding opportunities
- UNIMA emergency aid for puppeteers
- Covid-19 emergency fund for (visual) journalists
- Soundcloud support for artists
- Global open call for art
- Spotify Announces Music Relief Project to Combat Coronavirus Disruption
- Citizens for Europe - Online mobility grants
- Hire artists’ platform
- Solidarity fund for photographers, The Photographers’ fund by Formart
- Europe: Support in the Live Music Sector
Independent / Private initiatives
- Open Call for Syrian Artists by coculture
- Art Jameel: platform to support independent art practitioners (MENA region)
- Follow your art
- European Commission: State aid: Commission adopts Temporary Framework to enable Member States to further support the economy in the COVID-19 outbreak
- How the EU responds to the coronavirus outbreak in support of the cultural and creative sectors
- State aid: Commission approves €38 million Swedish scheme to compensate damages caused by cancelled or postponed cultural events due to coronavirus outbreak
- Questions and answers in relation to Creative Europe in the context of the Covid-19
- COVID-19-related measures under Creative Europe (8 April)
- Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (including the EU Solidarity fund)
- Latest update to European Commission Creative Europe programme (25 March 2020)
- First update to European Commission Creative Europe programme
- Coronavirus outbreak - deadlines for applications extended for the ERASMUS+ programme
- Durban University of Technology’s (DUT’s) Envision 2030 strategy is to establish mutually beneficial partnerships to contribute towards the ‘improving lives and livelihoods’ of the DUT community and society
- Covid-19 : Le Fonds Africain pour la Culture lance SOFACO, un fonds de soutien aux artistes (date limite: 30 juin) - link / SOFACA African fund for Culture (deadline: 30 June)
Arab region
- The Australia Council has welcomed the announcement of an industry specific support package for the cultural and creative industries
- Measures in time of coronavirus
- Flanders: De cultuurcoronapremie voor de kwetsbare kernspelers
- La loi de soutien aux artistes est (enfin) passée (10/7)
- COVID-19 : Mesures de soutien budgétaire aux bénéficiaires de subventions accordées par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
- WBI: Soutien aux opérateurs culturels dans le cadre de la diffusion internationale
- Union des artistes : Fonds sparadrap
- Le gouvernement bruxellois débloque 8,4 millions d’euros pour le secteur culturel
- Fonds 304: aide pour la formation à distance
- Covid-19 : accès du secteur culturel au fonds d’urgence de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
- Wallonie Bruxelles International : Covid-19 : Informations sur les aides à la mobilité pour les acteurs culturels
- Flanders - Overbruggingsrecht voor zelfstandigen (Coronavirus)
- Wallonie Bruxelles (Théâtre / Danse)
- CBC/Radio-Canada and Canada Council for the Arts announce the ‘Digital Originals’ funding initiative to support the arts community
- Sobey Art Foundation and the National Gallery of Canada share prize among longlisted artists
- How Arts Funding Is Being Affected by COVID-19 (26 March 2020)
- National Theatre School to give $60,000 in grants to theatre students, emerging artists for online projects during COVID-19 crisis
- Canada’s National Arts Centre and Facebook will pay musicians for livestreams (19 March)
- Putting People First: COVID-19 and the Canada Council for the Arts
Czech Republic
- Regular updates (including on funding) by the Arts and Theatre Institute via its Culture in Quarantine online magazine
- Prague launches Nothing Festival 2020 in support of struggling culture venues
- Briefing by the Minister of Culture related to the impacts of Coronavirus for the arts and cultural sector
- Impacts of Covid-19 on the Finnish cultural sector (with information on funding)
- Kulttuurin ja taiteen toimijoille suunnatut korona-avustusten haut avautuvat
- Nordic Culture Point* (Finland and Nordic Baltic Countries)
- The Kone foundation: artists at home residency
- Large Finnish foundations, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) to set up a special fund of 1,5 million euros
- Synthèse des mesures pour les arts visuels
- Le ministère de la Culture annonce l’ouverture d’un fonds d’urgence spécifique de solidarité pour les artistes et les techniciens du spectacle (FUSSAT) en partenariat avec AUDIENS
- Ville de Lyon : Création d’un fonds culturel d’urgence
- Création d’un fonds d’urgence pour le festival OFF d’Avignon, en partenariat avec l’Association Avignon Festival et Compagnies (AF&C)
- Mobilisation exceptionnelle de 5 milliards d’euros en faveur de la culture et des médias pour répondre aux conséquences économiques de la COVID-19
- Fondation Bullukian: Fonds d’aide à la création (arts plastiques)
- Aide de l’ONDA: nouveau dispositif: La co-programmation internationale
- Fonds de soutien pour les étudiants en école d’art
- SACEM: annonce de rémunération pour le livestreaming
- Ministère de la Culture : Aides à la reprise aux secteurs culturels
- SACEM: Covid-19 : nouvelle répartition spécifique pour les livestreams
- AFDAS: Accès à la formation : des mesures exceptionnelles pour les salariés intermittents du spectacle
- Maison des Artistes: [Covid-19] Quelles adaptations et mesures pour les artistes ?
- CAAP: Fonds de solidarité: Comment demander une aide?
- Création d’un fonds d’urgence pour le spectacle vivant
- La Société Générale lance un plan de soutien exceptionnel en faveur de la musique classique en France
- Une veille d’ARTCENA sur tous les dispositifs d’aide en faveur du secteur culturel
- Fonds d’Urgence pour le Spectacle vivant privé (FUSV)
- Institut français : Guide pratique à destination des usagers dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire COVID-19
- Dispositif de secours ESS
- ArtCena: Aide à la création : mesures spéciales
- Covid 19 Mesures exceptionnelles de l’Adami : 11,3 millions d’euros supplémentaires consacrés aux artistes
- Fondation Antoine de Galbert > soutien (arts plastiques)
- Action en faveur de la culture des collectivités territoriales (dont Ile de France)
- Netflix et Audiens créent un fonds de soutien d’urgence à destination des artistes et techniciens intermittents de l’audiovisuel et du cinéma
- Aide ponctuelle du Cnap pour les artistes-auteurs et les auteurs
- OARA : les engagements en faveur des artistes et des techniciens (Nouvelle Aquitaine)
- Ministère de la culture : Vade-mecum des mesures d’aides exceptionnelles au secteur culturel
- Ministère de la Culture : Employeurs culturels face aux impacts de la crise de coronavirus
- Etat d’urgence sanitaire Covid-19 : le ministre de la Culture présente un premier plan d’action en faveur des artistes-auteurs (27 mars 2020)
- Les réponses du Gouvernement aux difficultés rencontrées par les indépendants (dont les micro-entrepreneurs)
- ONDA : aides en lien avec les annulations liées au coronavirus
- Région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur : Plan de solidarité pour le secteur culturel et associatif
- COVID-19 : la SACD crée un fonds de solidarité d’urgence pour les auteurs les plus fragiles (via ArtCena)
- COVID-19 : l’ADAMI se mobilise pour les artistes (via ARTCENA)
- COVID-19 - Fonds de secours à la musique et aux variétés par le Centre National de la Musique
- Les régions se mobilisent pour le spectacle vivant (18 mars 2020)
- Mesures exceptionnelles de soutien aux intermittents et salariés du secteur culturel dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire (19 mars)
- Communiqué du 18 mars du Conseil National de la Musique
- Région des Pays de la Loire : mise en place d’un Plan régional d’urgence Coronavirus : 50 M€ pour les entreprises et le monde culturel, sportif et associatif
- Ministère de la Culture: Communiqué du 18 mars
- Contacts
- Aides Occitanie par Occitanie en scène
- Adaptation des aides d’ODIA Normandie
- Mobilisation du groupe Audiens
- Germany Is Giving Out $1.3 Million to Support Nearly 100 Artists Struggling at Home With Young Children During Lockdown
- Sonderstipendien: Bewerbungsstart am 31. August 2020 (Berlin)
- “Neustart” ermöglicht Öffnung der Museen
- Kulturstiftung des Bundes: Stipendien für freie Gruppen
- Liquiditätshilfen BERLIN: Securing liquidity in the event of acute financing needs in Berlin
- 50 Billions Euros’ aid package for artists and cultural organisations (25 March 2020)
- GEMA: Emergency aid fund worth up to €40m for songwriters
- Support for the arts and cultural sector by the Minister of Culture (de)
Hong Kong
- Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme
- 1000% increase (HK$5 > HK$55 million) for Hong Kong’s Support Scheme for Arts & Cultural Sector to help deal with COVID-19 fallout
- Arts sector gets €25m to help offset impact of coronavirus
- Arts Council establishes Advisory Group to help address Covid-19 crisis in arts sector
- Artist Emergency Relief Fund
- Commission approves €10 million Lithuanian scheme to support cultural and art institutions and organisations in the context of #Coronavirus outbreak
- Lithuanian Dance Information Centre Decided to Scale Down Some Activities and Dedicate Financial Support to Dance and Circus Community
- New Create Funding programme by Cendana
- Cendana’s responses to Covid-19
- Govt employs 300 artistes, musicians to perform for Malaysians online
- Fonds Maaya - (formulaire / lettre de parainage)
The Netherlands
- Fonds Podium Kunsten: special fund for the performing arts sector
- Government pledges 300 million euros to support cultural sector
- Amsterdam fonds for culture > Snelloket kunstaanvragen ten tijde van coronacrisis
New Zealand
Northern Ireland
- Culture Support Fund established to fight the effects of the pandemic
- Measures to support artists and cultural institutions (18 March 2020)
- Artists in a difficult situation can apply for social support from the Ministry of Culture
- Fundo de Solidariedade com a Cultura (Solidarity Fund with Culture)
- 3 new support lines created by the Portuguese Government for artists, technicians and other professionals, as well for cultural entities and for cultural facilities (applications closed)
- AUDIOGEST (Associação de Gestão de Direitos de Produtores Fonográficos) > um fundo de apoio a profissionais do espetáculo e de produção musical (applications closed)
- Lisboa: Cultura beneficia de apoio municipal extraordinário de um milhão e 250 mil euros (applications closed)
- GDA cria Fundo de Emergência de um milhão para apoiar artistas em dificuldades (applications closed)
- Official message by the Ministry of Culture
- Cultura cria linha de apoio de emergência de um milhão de euros (applications closed)
- City of Lisbon: Câmara de Lisboa apresenta medidas de apoio às famílias, às empresas e ao emprego (applications closed)
- Emergency fund by the Gulbenkian Foundation (applications closed)
- Crise do coronavírus leva Ministério da Cultura a anunciar apoios ao setor (14/3)
Russian Federation
- Parliament: More than 60 projects supported by Digital Presentation Grant for the Arts amid Covid-19
- NAC: Sustaining the Arts during the Covid-19 (including a digitisation fund)
- Eligible self-employed Singaporeans will receive S$1,000 cash a month for 9 months (26 March 2020)
- National Arts Council’s overall message
- National Arts Council’s provision of a one-time Capability Development Scheme for the Arts (CDSA)
- S$1.6 million set aside for arts and culture sector amid COVID-19 outbreak
South Africa
- NAC: support programme for digital innovation in time of the Covid-19
- BASA Artists Relief Fund
- SA platform is helping artists earn money with QR codes
- Mitigation plan by the Ministry of Sports, Arts and Culture
South Korea
- Catalunya: La recuperació del sector cultural és la nostra prioritat
- El Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte publica dos guías con preguntas frecuentes sobre la prestación extraordinaria para autónomos y ERTE en el ámbito cultural (3/04/2020)
- Ministry of Culture and Sports: aanoucenement for support to SMEs and independent (25 March 2020)
- Government of Canaries islands - Measures in the covid-19 crisis that affect cultural businesses and freelancers
- 20 measures from the Catalonia government for the arts and cultural sector (20 March 2020)
- 10 measures announced by the city of Barcelona (18 March 2020)
- Together now fund
- Aide d’urgence Sécurité sociale (DE / IT / FR)
- Ministry of Culture: Second wave of COVID-19 relief subsidies to start May 4
- COVID-19: NT$1.5 billion devoted to relief, revitalization efforts
United Kingdom
- Boris Johnson pledges £1.5bn lifeline to keep UK’s arts sector afloat
- Call for Artists – Remote Access
- FACT together, new online commissioning scheme
- Wales Arts International
- Paul Hamlyn Foundation: £1 million awarded to visual artists and composers in the UK
- Coronavirus: UK government unveils aid for self-employed (26 March 2020)
- Arts Council of England
- Office of Global Partnerships: COVID-19 Private Sector Engagement & Partnership Fund
- CERF+ > COVID-19 Relief Grant
- Critics of Color Can Apply for a New $500 COVID-19 Grant
- TILA Studios: monthly fund beginning at $1,000 to support black women artists nationwide
- Sundance Institute COVID-19 Respond and Reimagine Plan
- NALAC COVID-19 Relief Efforts
- Artists’ Relief
- Emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States
Surveys and other initiatives to gather feedback
- COVID-19 and Workers in the Cultural and Creative Sectors, survey by the MAX project (Makers’ Mobility Pilot project, co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by European Creative Hubs Network in partnership with Fab Lab Barcelona, UPTEC and Makery)
- Art consumption and its connection to well-being during the Covid 19 pandemic
- FEST (storytelling in Europe) > online survey
- European Festivals’ Association: Survey: Festivals’ needs and commitments
- COVID-19 Emergency response in Europe in Arts, Culture, Cultural Heritage and Creative Sectors by Culture Action Europe and European Cultural Foundation
- NEMO: Museums in the time of the coronavirus
- IETM (impacts of the Corona virus on the performing arts sector for members only)
- Circostrada: COVID-19 / Circus Arts & Street Arts / Canceled & Reported Events
- European Dancehouse network: EDN survey on the impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on the dance sector (and related information page)
- European Music Council: Survey on the impacts of the Corona virus on the music sector
- Effects of COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) on the European Culture and Creative Industries, by the European Business Creative Network
Europe / International
- ¿How are you being affected by COVID-19? Survey for artists and culture professionals (Latin / Central America)
- Art Alliance Advocacy Group: survey on the impacts of Covid-19: FR / AR ; EN /AR
- Curating Expertise Museum Survey
- ASEM Cultural Festival (the European Union and Asia-Europe Foundation) - New models, old and new audiences
- WOMEX: Survey on the Impact of Corona Pandemic on the Global Music Community in 2020
- BID colabora en medición del impacto del COVID-19 en el sector creativo
- RES ARTIS* and UCL: COVID-19: Impact Survey on the Arts Residencies Field
- CLGU Afrique: Enquête auprès des opérateurs culturels (villes) / UCLG Africa: Survey of cultural operators (cities)
- Survey by the Tallinn Music Week
- Endorsements for the Statement on Ensuring Culture Fulfills its Potential in Responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Culture Track - survey to arts organisations (USA)
- Covid-Initiatives: Mapping makers worldwide mobilized against Covid-19
- Rural Resilience Actions in times of COVID-19
- CINARS: COVID19 / Impacts on the international mobility of the performing arts (closed)
- COVID-19 and workers in the arts and cultural sectors - survey for the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand by HEartS, Health, Economic and Social Impact of the Arts
- UNESCO > Living heritage experiences in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Survey to help African music sector address COVID-19 crisis
- Artists in residence > TransArtists wants your stories
- Prêt de trésorerie d’urgence par le gouvernement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
- Wallonie / Bruxelles : Recensement des annulations de spectacle liées au covid-19
- By State of the Arts (EN / NL)
- Etude d’impact du Covid-19 sur l’ensemble des activités de la diaspora dans les industries culturelles et créatives en France
- Covid-19 : Quelle situation pour les artistes et les personnels racisés des institutions culturelles ?
- Ministère de la culture : enquête sur l’impact du covid-19
- SYNDEAC > Covid-19 baromètre
- Conséquences du Covid-19 sur la filière musicale en Normandie
- Impacts du Covid-19 sur la filière du spectacle vivant en Normandie
- Impacts sur la filière musicale en Nouvelle Aquitaine
- La FRAAP: Questionnaire à destination des arts plastiques (associations et collectifs du secteur des arts visuels)
- CIPAC : Questionnaire des conséquences de l’épidémie de virus COVID 19 sur les professionnels et les structures du secteur des arts visuels
- Formulaire pour les etètes
- Syndicat des Cirques et Compagnies de Création - rescencement des spectacles annulés en raison du Coronavirus
- Formulaire par le Pôle des Arts Visuels des Pays de la Loire
- Monitoraggio degli effetti del COVID-19 nel settore delle arti performative nello spazio urbano
- Coronavirus e lavoro Freelance: un nuovo sondaggio
- COVID 19 - results of the second survey
- COVID-19 follow-up: impact on artists in Malta
- COVID-19 impact on artists in Malta survey 1 and survey 2
The Netherlands
The Philippines
South Africa
- South Africa Cultural Observatory: Cultural and Creative Sector Responses to Covid-19: Survey
- Impact of COVID-19 on the Visual Arts Sector of South Africa
United Kingdom
- American for the Arts: The COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers
- American for the Arts: The Economic Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Arts and Cultural Sector
- Site designed specifically for locals of Austin, Texas who lost work due to the SXSW cancelation
- National Association of Latino Arts and Culture
Sector-specific information and advice
Europe / International
Sector specific: Music / Performing Arts / Museums / Visual Arts
- UNESCO platform on living heritage and COVID-19
- International Music Council: Covid-19 Resource Centre
- 7 DIY platforms to livestream your music
- Guidance, resources, funding and grants for visual journalists / photographers by World Press Photo
- FIA- International Federation of Actors (FIA) - Covid19 Crisis
- European Dancehouse network - Dancehouses at home
- SickFestivals - Updated listing fo postponed or cancelled festivals (music)
- Update for Festivals (cancellations / postponements) by European Festivals’ Association
- MusicxCorona daily newsletter by Bas Grasmayer
- Hyperallergic: A daily report on how COVID-19 is impacting the art world
- Africa: African musicians share strategies amid coronavirus
- Italy: Live music in time of Coronavirus
- Theatre in Italy at the time of Coronavirus (via IETM*)
- Museums in Europe at the time of Coronavirus
- Covid-19: Impact survey on the Artist Residencies’ field
- Políticas Culturales y COVID-19 en América del Sur
- Creative Flip report: Guiding resilient financing systems for the CCS (June 2020)
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Cultural and Creative Sector, report for the Council of Europe by KEA
- Global impact of Covid-19 on EUNIC: Survey report published
- European Festivals’ Association: Report Covid-19 survey, ‘Festivals’needs and commitments’
- Impacts of the Covid-19 on street arts and circus by Circostrada*
- JRC science for policy report, European cultural and creative cities in Covid-19 times, Jobs at risk and the policy response
- Cultural Pandemic, the impact of Covid-19 in the cultural sector of Portuguese-speaking countries
- Culture, Cities and the Covid-19 pandemic
- La Fraap (France) : Synthèse des résultats de l’enquête Covid-19 menée par la FRAAP à partir du 18 mars 2020
- Music in Africa Foundation:The financial impact of the Covid-19 on the African music sector
- UNESCO Report on museums around the world in the face of COVID-19
- ELIA Members’ Response to COVID-19 (Institutes of Arts / Europe)
- UCLG: Culture, cities and the COVID-19 pandemic
- American for the Arts: The COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers
- France Festivals - Estimation de la perte économique et sociale des festivals annulés
- 13% of Museums Worldwide May Close Permanently Due to COVID-19, Studies Say
- Cendana (Malaysia): Covid-19 impacts on the arts sector
- Impacts de la crise sanitaire du Covid-19 sur les associations culturelles employeuses (France)
- Counterpoints: Artists in lockdown (UK)
- Live Arts in the virtualising world by IETM
- CIPAC (France): Répercussions du Covid-19 sur les arts visuels
- Eurozine - COVID-19’s impact on cultural journals
- Survey of US Arts Organizations Points to Devastating Losses During Pandemic / Report
- Breaking out of the COVID-19 Crisis Restarting the Cultural Creative Industries is at the centre of an open and sustainable Europe, white paper by the European Business Creative Network
- Survey on the impact of the COVID-19 situation on museums in Europe, First results shared by NEMO
- IETM: Performing arts in times of the pandemic: status quo and the way forward
- The financial battlefield called corona (Begium with data related to State of the Art)
Information and support across disciplines
- UNESCO: Culture & COVID-19: Impact and Response Tracker
- EU / Creative Europe countries: Artists and Creatives Community Covid-19 Resource platform
- Special information page by UNESCO Bangkok Office > Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region
- 15 Ways for Artists To Make Money Remotely During Covid-19 Lockdown
- Solidarité Covid-19 Francophonie
- Information related to artists’ residencies by RES ARTIS*: FAQ
- Artists in residence: TransArtists’ Helpdesk
- Covid-19 Cultural & Creative Industry
- Find creative skills across the globe
- COVID-19 & Freelance Artists
- NAVA: Industry Advisory Note: COVID-19 Response
- Work from home guidelines from Arts Centre Melbourne
- Infos Covid 19 (all sectors)
- Réseau 50 degrés Nord (art contemporain: Hauts de France / Wallonie)
- State of the Arts / Meeting point for the Covid-19 and culture
- Information and taylor-made advice related to the Corona virus by Cultuurloket
- Reconnect the cultural sector to a state of emergency
- Artist relief fund in Bulgaria - crowdfunding campaign
Czech Republic
- TINFO updated information (7 May)
- Ressources dans le cadre de l’épidémie COVID-19, Une initiative expérimentale de la Mobilisation et Coopération Art et Culture
- Reprise d’activités : notes juridiques et documents utiles
- Télétravail et déconfinement
- Les subventions aux associations en cas de crise : une circulaire pour clarifier
- Réseau 50 degrés Nord (art contemporain: Hauts de France / Wallonie)
- Fil d’information et d’appui au secteur chorégraphique Covid-19
- Petit guide de survie à l’usage des associations en période de confinement
- Ressources de la Malterie (arts plastiques)
- Fiches pratiques de la Fédération nationale des arts de la rue
- Plateforme pour les aides d’urgences (La Réunion)
- Pôle Emploi: COVID 19 – Mesures exceptionnelles pour les intermittents du spectacle
Pages actualisées régulièrement
- Ministère de la Culture - les dispositifs secteur par secteur
- Informations par le Réseau Diagonal pour le secteur de la photographie
- LAPAS: Informations pour le spectacle vivant dans le contexte du coronavirus
- CND: Fil d’information aurpès du secteur chorégraphique
- ArtCena / Conseils juridiques
- Page ressources de Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne (inclus les liens vers les syndicats, les démarches pour centraliser les préjudices etc.)
- Page ressources (articles) pr Profession Spectacle
- La Maison des artistes
- Information par le SMA (Syndicat des Musiques Actuelles)
- Dispositif activité partielle
- Information officielle du 16 mars notamment sur les manifestations publiques
- Information sur les arrêts maladie en période de pandémie et intermittence
- Assurance Maladie: Covid-19 : des arrêts de travail simplifiés pour les salariés contraints de garder leurs enfants
- Impact of COVID-19 on the Street Arts, Circus and Spectacle sector + resources for the sector
- Visual Artists Ireland - Virtual help desk
- Information by Theatre Forum
- Information by the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism
- Strumenti utili per uscirne professionalmente vivi
- Réouverture d’infrastructures culturelles en vue de la sortie de crise du COVID-19
- Informations pour le secteur culturel via
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Cultural and Creative Sectors in Malta by ARC (27 March 2020)
- The impacts of coronavirus on the artists in Malta by Culture Venture (21 March 2020)
The Netherlands
- DutchCulture’s Mobility Info Point helpdesk* voor gevolgen coronavirus op internationale samenwerking (and information in English)
- Information for design and online culture
- A list by Kunsten92 for all disciplines / sectors (including heritage) on initiatives related to the Corona virus
- The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute* has launched a research project focusing on the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic affecting theatrical life in Poland
- “Anti-crisis” shield for workers and cultural institutions
- Statement on 20 March by the Ministry of Culture to extend the restriction of public events and cultural places until further notice
- O movimento Portugal #entraemcena
- Coronavírus/ COVID-19 e o sector cultural
- Regular updates on the facebook page of Polo Cultural Gaivotas Boavista
- Research: Slovenian Cultural and Creative Worker in Times of COVID-19
- Motovila* > Kako Slovenija pri premoščanju posledic pandemije covid-19 rešuje svoj kulturni in ustvarjalni sektor
South Africa
- Relief and resources for the arts & cultural sector in Taiwan to address the coronavirus crisis in retrospect
- Taiwan Art Space Alliance (TASA): information related to COVID-19: For Citizen of Taiwan
- 國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation and 中華民國文化部 The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan
- COVID-19 prevention guide for indoor, outdoor events in Taiwan
United Kingdom
- COVID-19: Resources (including funding) compiled by Creative Scotland
- Resources for disabled artists and freelancers in response to COVID-19
- Facebook group: Covid-19 Outdoor Arts Information, Questions and Advice Forum
- Covid-19 impact on-arts-workers
- Music Venue Trust: Advice for Venues
- African American Career and Job resources during the coronavirus pandemic
- National Endowment for the Arts: Resources to Help Ensure Accessibility of Your Virtual Events for People with Disabilities
- Tamizdat: Pro Bono Legal assistance
- National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER) - Principles for arts funding in the context of Covid-19 and other crisis
- Casting Directories Agency (donation and support)
- COVID-19 Resources for Artists and Arts Organizations by the National Endowment for the Arts
- Guild Covid19 Resources - Compiled by Matt Allan from East Street Arts
- Artists at Risk Connection: List of information / resources (funding, legal advice, webinars etc.)
- Artists In a Time of Global Pandemic (ASL & Captioned), For US-Based Freelance Artists and Cultural Workers in all Disciplines, via Holwround
- Alliance of Artists’ Communities - COVID-19 Preparedness for Residencies
- COVID-19 Freelance Artists’ Resources
- Covid-19 Financial Solidarity (list reached capacity / fyi only)
- Self made list of contacts, resources (by, Aware) - COVID Resources sharing
Webinars / Online meetings
- The Show Must Go On/Off-line: Green Thursdays, a series of international online discussions
- Panel discussions and webinars with RESARTIS (2 September -14 October)
- Under the SEA: Neighborly Talks on the Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19 / ASEAN countries (8 August-17 October)
- Tuesday Talks, online conversations about the future of the arts with Flanders Arts Institute
- Live event series - Conversations of our time by the British Council
- Follow the Howlround regular webstreaming via its facebook page particularly on theatre / performing arts related issues (including a daily series in partnership with Martin Segal Theatre Centre)
- Webinaires de l’IRMA et vidéos
- Webinaires du Grand Bureau
- Webinars powered by EARS and UptoLevelMedia
- Wire series by APAM (Australian Performing Arts Market)
- School of Resistance - A biweekly livestream with experts of change from around the world: artists, activists, politicians and philosophers in collaboration with Howlround
- Weekly online workshops with EUROPEANA: Digital transformation in the time of COVID
- Edinburgh culture conversations
- Dance network Keðja’s meeting (20 and 21 August)
- Digital research trip to Mexico by Circostrada (27-31 July)
- XTRAX Global Conversations: A new series of webinars launching in July
- La scène numérique, la mobilité des artistes au défi des frontières (EN / FR)
- EUNIC Talk: Cultural Relations and Covid-19
- Festivals Cities conversations n°4: Festivals and Cities joining forces for inclusion and well-being (3 July)
- Reimagining: Global conversations
- The Festival Academy: The Ateliers of Solidarity
- UNESCO REsiliart: Reimagining festivals in the Global South (30 June)
- EU Circus Open Space Conversation (30 June 2020)
- Mu.SA Online Conference: “The future of museum professionals in the digital era” | First part
- On curating (27 and 28 June)
- International Cooperations: Three Webinars for Theater Professionals - Part 2: It’s Not All About the Money
- ICOM Webinar | Preparing for the Reopening of Museums: The Aftermath of a Pandemic (24 June)
- New horizons to rethink transnational cooperation
- Deconfinement initiatives of the performing arts around the world, a webinar by CINARS (17 June)
- Heritage Matters Webinar 5 | What Museums Post Pandemic? (20 June)
- Adeste+ Pre-conference 15th June: ‘Culture and public at a turning point’
- Europe Jazz Network: series of online webinars (till 11 June)
- Livestreaming Panel Discussion: Reopening European Theatres hosted by European Theatre Convention’s International Theatre Conference (11 June)
- Webinar series: Possible Future(s) of Creative Economies in post-COVID-19 Europe (28 May and 4 June 2020), co-organised by Trans Europe Halles
- Classical Next: DIY Sector Meet Up
- Reimiganing migration narratives (29 May)
- The Textual Trace: Writing and Socially Engaged Practice – Fiona Whelan and Gretchen Coombs in conversation (28 May)
- Curating No-thing with Ong Keng-Sen, curator / theatre director, Singapore (19, 21, 26 and 28 May)
- FEST online forum #3: Erasmus + & Oral Storytelling Rules and opportunities (28 May)
- Resilitart: Debate on the Five Music Rights with the International Music Council (27 May)
- Classical Next: Festival Sector Meet Up hosted by EFA
- ASEF: Improve your online health
- La OEI organiza el 21 de mayo el webinar «La cultura en Iberoamérica en tiempos de Covid19»
- FEST online forum 2: Applied storytelling in corona
- Cultural Diversity and COVID-19: The Road to Recovery (14 May)
- Rappel des webinaires et conférences en ligne par le Bureau Export
- Circus Amidst COVID: An International Factual Update (12 May)
- Jakarta Biennale: Artistic Directors Meet-up! Biennales of Tomorrow, Contemporary Art & Society Post-Corona (12 May)
- Immunity of the Arts Vol.2 (8 May)
- A new economy for the arts - Webinar by IETM (8 May)
- | What Happens Online? (7 May)
- In conversation with Mariya Gabriel on Recovery, Resilience and Research - EU commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth (7 May)
- Webcast: La Cultura Durante la Crisis: El Rol de los Gobiernos Locales (4/5)
- Racism and Orientalism: An online roundtable on racialised discourse on COVID-19 (30 April 2020)
- Contagious Cities: Facing and Understanding the Pandemic (30 April)
- Clore leadership programme: Building Resilience - International Perspectives (30 April)
- FEST online Forum #1: Stroytelling online (30 April)
- Placing the Cultural and Creative Industries on Top of the Political Agenda - Webinar (29 April)
- Spring Forward 2020: The show must go on – demand!
- The future of Performing Arts and Culture in Europe after Covid-19 (28 April)
- Where does freedom of expression remain? - Webinar by IETM (24 April) and video report
- Ask An Expert: The Legal Landscape of Livestreaming (USA) (21 April)
- A free webinar from Counterculture on the post-Coronavirus opportunities for cultural organisations and artists in UK (21 April)
- Fundraising in Emergency Situation by Culture Funding Watch (14 April 2020 in French, 16 April in Arabic and 18 April in English)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and cultural and creative sectors: impact, innovations and planning for post-crisis by OECD (10 and 17 April 2020) and video report
- UNESCO Resiliart
- World Art Day - State of Artistic Freedom 2020 Report Launch (15 April)
- Middle East: Arts and Culture Panel: Adapting & Innovating in the Face of COVID-19 (9 April)
- ART • WORK • PLACE: Emergency Session (7 April)
- Funding in an amergency situation by Culture Funding Watch (4 April)
- Immunity of the Arts - Web Panel (webforum on arts in public space at the time of the coronavirus) (3 April)
- IETM: Advocate for the future of the arts - webinar (3 April)
- Culture as the key to unchain the SDG in cities (1 April)
- Webinar by European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (31 March)
- WEBINAR - Ask An Expert: Contracts, Insurance, Visas, Employment and Legislation in the COVID 19 Era
- Nordic Culture Point: Webinar on Funding opportunities for cultural cooperation by the Nordic Culture Point (30 March)
- Livestreaming Financial Strategies for Freelance Artists in a Time of Crisis (ASL & Captioned), an #ArtistResource talk with Amy Smith by Howlround (26 March 2020)
- Webinar di Living per “Attiviamo Energie Positive” (25 March 2020)
- Atelier organisé par Culture Funding Watch concernant la redistribution du fonds spécial mise en place par le Ministère de la Culture tunisien (24 mars)
- International virtual conference: « Emergency response Mechanisms : what can inspire us for the CC sector ? » by Culture Funding Watch and the Rambourg Foundation (20 March) and report
- Webinar: Artists In a Time of Global Pandemic, For US-Based Freelance Artists and Cultural Workers in all Disciplines (16 March)
Pay the artists, cultural venues and organisations
- Here is the future of music: monetized livestreams
- is a virtual platform for performing and visual artists, filmmakers, animators, and institutions to live stream, share content, conduct live or pre-recorded sessions, while being able to charge their audiences a modest fee to safeguard their incomes
- Turner prize 2020 show is cancelled and replaced with £100,000 fund for artists
- Artist Relief Tree
- France: Documentations: Annulez tout ! Payez tout le monde !
- In Hungary, spectators in solidarity with the artists, waive the reimbursement of their seats
Some news and initiatives coming from Asia
- Perspectives magazine by the National Gallery of Singapore - out of isolation: artists respond to covid-19
- Futures for Architecture Biennales? Lessons Learned from the 2019-2020 Shenzhen Biennale
- Mask On. Blindfolds Off: Surveying Arts and Culture during Covid19 in India, by Arundhati Ghosh
- Se relever grâce à l’art après une crise : l’exemple cambodgien
- ‘The House Is Still Burning’: Censorship, Pandemic and Art in the Philippines
- Are art workers non-essential? (Singapore)
- Beijing art world starts shutting down again amid new coronavirus cluster (17 June)
- Taiwan Eye
- Artists and Performers in the Time of Covid-19 (India) - Part Two
- My Own Words: The Future of International Art Residencies by Maria Sowter (Ho Chi Minh City)
- Covid-19 : à Taiwan, mobilisation générale pour le secteur culturel
- India: Performing arts in the hot zone: Covid 19 leaves many artistes gasping for relief
- We=Link: Ten Easy Pieces. A Chronus Art Center Special Online Exhibition
- China residencies: information
- COVID-19 and the arts in Southeast Asia (27 March 2020)
- Cautious reopening of cultural spaces in East Asia (19 March 2020)
- The coronavirus is shaking up the world’s art market in unexpected ways
- New Online Platform for Art in Hong Kong
- ART Power HK launches online activation of art events via Culture360
Articles and other resources
Articles related to arts, the pandemic and the after pandemic
- From offline to online: Dutch international cultural highlights in the COVID era by DutchCulture
- How does dance art fit into digital platforms and social media? Target Helsinki project experiments with new channels
- What a museum should look like in 2020
- After Covid-19, museums need to plan ‘must see’ exhibitions instead of blockbusters
- This is how COVID-19 has changed media habits in each generation
- L’art après le virus : Sept questions pour un secteur en difficulté
- Art in Times of Corona: FAAM Utrecht
- Creative Residencies at Home: Physical Distance Outweighed by Close Community
- Getting Our Act Together by Christos Carras
- ‘It’s like our future has gone’: visual artists facing existential threat post Covid-19
- Art Basel’s Marc Spiegler: ‘The future of the art world is not digital’
- Why COVID-19 Is an Unprecedented Opportunity to Radically Rethink Arts Funding
- Cooperative City in quarantine #culture
- Voices from the World. How to Respond to the Crisis in Culture?
- What role can art collectors play in an art world adversely impacted by COVID-19?
- Crise sanitaire: la circulation internationale des artistes et des oeuvres
- Maarten Doorman on Translocality in the Arts
- Hawaii Considers an Explicitly Feminist Plan for COVID-Era Economic Recovery
- Can the Global Art Fair-Industrial Complex Survive COVID-19?
- TransArtists interviewed the director of Cité internationale des arts in Paris* about the importance of art, artists and parnerships in times of COVID-19
- BJCEM: Respond, react, evolve., Food for thought on new directions
- International Arts Management & COVID19: The cultural ecosystem endangered
- Le virus de la recherche - La recherche face à la crise du Covid-19
- Conflict of interests by Claire Cunningham
- A chat with Dr Ong Keng Sen: is the digitalisation of the arts a passing trend or here to stay?
- #voicesfrom collected by Kulturinbewegung
- The creative economy post Covid-19 (South Africa)
- Has Anyone Asked Artists What They Need?
- An extraordinary festival in an extraordinary year
- What should we expect from art in the next few years/decades? And what is art, anyway? An article with Carmen Salas, independent curator and producer
- The cancellation of the Edinburgh festivals has given the city a chance to rethink them
- Per una nuova ecologia del lavoro
- Goethe Institut - Days afterthoughts
- On the Biennales’ Ruins, Inhabiting the void, covering the distance by Marco Baravalle
- ‘Politicians Always Profit From Fear’: Ai Weiwei on How the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Heighten Political Turmoil, and the Role Artists Should Play
- Art and Culture After Covid-19
- Arts in lockdown: I curated my own three-day online festival. Now it’s over, and I am wrecked
- Culture and Democracy – A Few Thoughts about the Future of Arts and Culture in Times of Pandemic
- Galleries worldwide face 70% income crash due to coronavirus, our survey reveals
- How Sustainable is the Art World Going Online during COVID-19?
- La fragilisation du secteur événementiel invite à un changement de modèle
- Covid-19 sparks questions about arts in the digital age
- New mobilities after the lockdown: How about retooling the airline industry?
- Yuval Noah Harari on COVID-19: ‘The biggest danger is not the virus itself’
- Covid-19 : « Ne nous attendons pas à un après ressemblant à une aube radieuse »
- Art field in lockdown (via the Flanders Arts Institute)
- As we turn to creativity in isolation, the coronavirus is a calamity on top of an arts crisis
- How the music industry can learn from the Covid-19 to become more sustainable
- The pandemic is a portal by Arundhati Roy and video report
- Italian artist Chiara Bersani on COVID-19 and disability
- I Had the Coronavirus. It Made Me Think About How the Art World Recovers
- Why Covid-19 Might Be Our Chance to Reimagine the Arts
- The Forgotten Art of Assembly, Or, Why Theatre Makers Should Stop Making
- Will we relive apartheid-style ‘epidemic expediency’ with the coronavirus?
- Les artistes d’Afrique de l’Ouest conjurent le coronavirus
- Where to land after the pandemic? (Bruno Latour’s questionnaire)
- Mobility in the Arts (Africa)
- Scientists translate coronavirus spike protein into music, revealing more about its structure
- Artists are getting us through COVID-19. Never question their value again
- Together we are stronger than the virus
- What are we saving and why?
- How Arts organisations can survive a pandemic
- Social justice in a time of social distancing
Resources including on working remotely
- Creating a Culture of Play via Zoom via Howlround
- Which video conferencing mobile application to reduce your impact?
- Five Lessons Learnt Facilitating Large Scale Remote Brainstorms - Some updates after recent workshops with IETM and the Leuven arts field (May 2020)
- 21 things we learned from hosting our first online party
- Comment télétravailler léger
- Online Tools for Working Remotely via ELIA
- How to Prevent ‘Zoombombing’ in a Few Easy Steps
- Howlround* - How to Produce a Livestreamed Event
- Public Stack: the alternative internet
- How to facilitate a remote brainstorm with 60 people? Tips from a remote conference part of the RESHAPE Creative Europe project
- Reshaping Zagreb Intensive: How We Switched From Physical to Digital
Unlocking venues and audiences
Rules and regulations
- Pearle* composes a map of Europe presenting the phases of re-opening of venues for cultural live events (first release on 27 May)
- NEMO: evolving map of planned museums’ reopening
- Rules on how to reopening theatres (in Chinese but free online translation services can really help)
- Déconfinement : Adaptation des contrats de diffusion à la période post Covid-19
- Déconfinement : recommandations sanitaires pour la reprise d’activité
- La limite de la demi-jauge est levée dans les salles de cinéma et de spectacle (21 juin)
- Comment la Rue de Valois envisage la réouverture des salles de spectacle (27 mai)
- Ministère de la culture: Déconfinement : aide pour la reprise d’activité et la réouverture au public
- ACDN: Première synthèse des hypothèses de reprise envisagées par les Centres dramatiques nationaux au 7 mai 2020
- Calendrier de l’ouverture des musées en France
- Visual Artists Ireland: Covid-19: Questions to ask as you prepare to return to your studio or to other work
- Arts Council welcomes publication of guidelines for reopening of arts centres
- Set up of COVID-19 Transition Arts Task Force
- No Touching Or Elderly Actors: Here’s How Theatre In Malta Is Set To Change
- Guidelines for organizers of cultural and entertainment events during the SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic in Poland
- Guidelines for reopening cultural institutions
United Kingdom
Audience info
- Les français et la reprise des activités culturelles, de sport et événementiels post confinement
- Covid-19 : une nouvelle étude appelle à la prudence concernant la reprise des concerts
- Grande enquête : les français et la reprise des activités de divertissement suite au Covid-19
- Culture vs Covid : Un milieu culturel mobilisé pour le retour des publics - un rapport par Toute la Culture
United Kingdom
- Act 2: National Audience Research (UK)
- Indigo: a free online survey designed to capture audience views on returning to arts events, booking tickets now and in future
Good practices / experiences
Europe / international
- Are lockdown live streams working for South Africa’s musicians?
- Live DMA (Music): Covid-19 exit strategies
- CINARS Webinar - Performing Arts Deconfinement Initiatives Around the World and list of initiatives
- CIMAM: Precautions for Museums during Covid-19 Pandemic
- NEMO Webinar “Museum lives in post-pandemia” (video report)
- What Does Post-Lockdown Art World Look Like in Europe? (19 May)
China, South Korea and Japan
- German scientists are hosting a pop concert for 4,000 people to study how the coronavirus spreads in large groups and how to combat it
- Kultur club: How Germany has led the way in supporting the arts in lockdown
- Extra legroom and no interval: Germany plans for post-lockdown theatre
- Observing social distancing, a German theater cautiously restarted live concerts (19 May)
- We went to one of the first German museums to reopen after the lockdown—here’s what it was like (4 May)
Hong Kong
- Digital Theater Isn’t Theater. It’s a Way to Mourn Its Absence
- Performing Arts: Emerging From Confinement (by European Parliament Research blog)
- Serenading plants: Barcelona opera reopens with unusual concert
- Measure for Measure – Sean Buhagiar (Malta)
- Three Museum Directors Offer a Behind-the-Scenes Look at How They Are Tackling the Challenge of Reopening Their Institutions Post-Lockdown
- Museums re-opening: Are Museums re-opening? How?
- How Should a Museum Reopen in a Post-COVID World? Here Is Everything You Need to Know to Do It Safely, According to Experts
- The New Normal — Festivals and Events Post-Covid
- What could socially distanced theatre look like?
- What Socially Distanced Live Performance Might Look Like
Photo: Wimo Ambala Bayang, ‘Long time no see’ (2011)