The Council has adopted, by written procedure, the decision on the conclusion of the withdrawal agreement on behalf of the EU. This follows the European Parliament’s vote of consent on 29 January 2020 and the signature of the withdrawal agreement by the EU and the United Kingdom on 24 January 2020.
The withdrawal agreement entered into force since the UK’s exit from the EU, on 31 January 2020 at midnight CET. From that time on, the UK is no longer an EU member state and will be considered as a third country.
The withdrawal agreement ensures an orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union. It covers citizens’ rights, the financial settlement, a transition period, protocols on Ireland/Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Gibraltar, governance and other separation issues.
– From the statement ‘Brexit: Council adopts decision to conclude the withdrawal agreement’
This article that started to be compiled from 2019 by Marie Fol, On the Move Board member, provides an overview of relevant publications and information from both the UK and the EU sides, specifically focused on the cultural sector. More practical information should follow here once there is more clarity about the next steps. Make sure to also check the special page about Brexit on
Any updates can be sent to
Latest information
- On the situation for Creative Europe programmes (update: 2nd of March 2020).
- The UK’s points-based immigration system: policy statement.
- On travel from UK to the EU from 1 January 2021.
- Brexit and a cultural way forward, together (initiated by Allianz Kulturstiftung, Campagnia di San Paolo, British Council, Goethe Institut, European Cultural Foundation).
- Cultural mobility and cross-border cultural cooperation must be preserved in future relations, by Pearle*- Live Performance Europe, and the EAEA – representing FIA, FIM, EURO-MEI.
General information for the cultural sector
- France Culture: Le Brexit culturel et numérique.
- Campaign of all creative disciplines – Free Move Create.
- The European Commission’s Brexit information.
- European Commission preparedness activities.
- EU countries information portals.
- UK government Brexit information.
- UK government information per country, relevant for UK nationals traveling, residing or doing business with these countries (all EEA countries have been updated recently).
- Culture Count (Scotland), Brexit portal.
- Creative Europe Desk UK, Creative Europe Brexit update.
- Arts Council England, ‘Brexit information’, last updated 27 March 2019.
- Creative Scotland, ‘EU Exit – links to key information’, last updated 21 February 2019 (including the Creative Scotland Guidance on EU Exit).
- British Council, Brexit library.
- EU Live Performance Social Partners joint statement on Brexit, December 2018.
- Moving Beyond Brexit, recommendations from European leaders, September 2018.
- House of Lords, European Union Committee, Brexit: movement of people in the cultural sector, July 2018.
- The impacts of Creative Europe in the UK, two reports, July 2018.
- Treading water: what can the Welsh arts scene do to survive Brexit, Wales Art Review, March 2018.
- Ifa, The impact of Brexit on International Cultural Relations in the European Union, December 2017.
- Two insider views on how Brexit will affect UK arts, British Council, October 2017.
- Cultural Union: Continental Drift? EU-UK negotiations in the cultural sector, report from a meeting organised by Culture Action Europe, the European Cultural Foundation and Bozar in December 2016.
- Culture Action Europe, A little guide to the UK-UE negotiations. Analysing alternatives to membership, November 2016.
- Culture Action Europe stands with the UK cultural sector, June 2016.
- UK government, ‘Organisations, businesses and individuals in the creative, cultural, and sport sectors - what to expect on day one of a no-deal Brexit’.
Please note that your local municipality might have a dedicated information point, where you can get specific advice in your language (see for instance Amsterdam’s Brexit info point).
Negotiation process
Withdrawal agreement
- The current Withdrawal Agreement.
- Q&A Memo on the rights of EU and UK citizens as outlined in the Withdrawal Agreement (covering information such as residence rights, entry and exit rules, administrative procedures, professional qualifications and social security).
In the event of a no-deal
- UK information about a no-deal scenario.
- EU preparedness notices, covering also a no-deal scenario (available in all EU languages).
- Touring Europe if there’s no Brexit deal.
Info by sector
Audiovisual and film
- British Film Institute, policy statement.
- European Parliament, Research for the CULT Committee, Audiovisual Sector and Brexit: the regulatory environment, October 2018.
- European Audiovisual Observatory, Brexit: the impact on the audiovisual sector, 2018.
Performing arts (theater, dance, circus, street and in-situ arts)
- A world with walls: how Brexit could stifle the success of outdoor arts
- One Dance UK report.
- Federation of Scottish theatre, Brexit insecurity threat to Scottish Arts and Culture, October 2018.
- Incorporated society of Musicians, fourth report into the effects of Brexit on the music profession (May 2019).
- UK Parliament - Culture, Media and Sport Committee: Report on the effects of Brexit on Live music.
- UK Musicians’ Union, protecting musicians rights post Brexit (regular updates).
- Guardian article, ‘Cultural jail’: Brexit could bring booming industry to its knees.
- Will Brexit bring the curtain down on British-European classical music duet?, Article on the Deutsche Welle, April 2017.
Visual arts
- Literature Wales & Welsh Books Council (Wales level).
- UK publishers association.
- Scottish publishers association.
- UK society of authors.
Creative industries
- UK Creative Industries Federation response to Withdrawal Agreement, 15 November 2018.
- UK Creative Industries Federation’s red lines on Brexit, 17 December 2018.
- UK Creative Industries Federation, The immigration white paper: what does it mean for the creative industries?, 19 December 2018.
- UK Creative Industries Federation’s Update on a No-Deal Brexit, 23 August 2019.
Fashion and textile industry
- UK Fashion and Textiles Association (UKFT) preparing for a ‘no deal’ Brexit.
- British Fashion Council, ‘Preparing your business in the case of a No Deal Brexit’.
Cultural heritage (including museum and research)
- Response from the Welsh National museum.
- Heritage alliance (perspective from England).
- Brexit and the Museum Sector in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
- RIBA, ‘Brexit Facts Affecting Architects’ & general resources.
- Architects’ Journal, ‘Brexit uncertainty “hits home hard” for architects’.
- ARB (architects registration board) Brexit FAQs & general info.
- UK government, ‘The system for recognising EU qualified architects in the UK if there is no Brexit deal’.
- The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, ‘Recognition of UK Qualified Architects in Ireland in the Case of a No-Deal Brexit’.
Information on specific topics
IP, patents and trademarks
- Implications for Patents, Trademarks and Designs.
- Brexit & Designs.
- Brexit: legal implications for the design industry.
- Impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU – EUTMs and RCDs.
Free movement
- What do this week’s Brexit announcements mean for free movement.
- EU Settlement Scheme: employer toolkit.