Brexit: Online Resources for Culture Professionals

Last updated: 20 August 2020
EU flag - twelve gold stars arranged in a circle on an azure background.

The Council has adopted, by written procedure, the decision on the conclusion of the withdrawal agreement on behalf of the EU. This follows the European Parliament’s vote of consent on 29 January 2020 and the signature of the withdrawal agreement by the EU and the United Kingdom on 24 January 2020.

The withdrawal agreement entered into force since the UK’s exit from the EU, on 31 January 2020 at midnight CET. From that time on, the UK is no longer an EU member state and will be considered as a third country.

The withdrawal agreement ensures an orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union. It covers citizens’ rights, the financial settlement, a transition period, protocols on Ireland/Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Gibraltar, governance and other separation issues.

– From the statement ‘Brexit: Council adopts decision to conclude the withdrawal agreement’

This article that started to be compiled from 2019 by Marie Fol, On the Move Board member, provides an overview of relevant publications and information from both the UK and the EU sides, specifically focused on the cultural sector. More practical information should follow here once there is more clarity about the next steps. Make sure to also check the special page about Brexit on

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Latest information


General information for the cultural sector

Please note that your local municipality might have a dedicated information point, where you can get specific advice in your language (see for instance Amsterdam’s Brexit info point).

Negotiation process

Withdrawal agreement

In the event of a no-deal

Info by sector

Audiovisual and film

Performing arts (theater, dance, circus, street and in-situ arts)


Visual arts


Creative industries

Fashion and textile industry

Cultural heritage (including museum and research)


Information on specific topics

IP, patents and trademarks

Free movement

EU funding