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UNESCO: International Fund for Cultural Diversity 2024

The back of a person, moving through lights that seem like a computer programme feed.
Touann Gatouillat/Unsplash

Established under the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) is a voluntary multi-donor fund which supports the emergence of dynamic cultural sectors in developing countries.

UNESCO is launching the 15th call for applications to IFCD. Through an open and competitive process, projects will be selected based on their ability to generate concrete and lasting results towards the development of the creative sectors in developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention.

Project proposals should contribute to:

  • the implementation and/or elaboration of policies and measures that have a direct, structural impact on the creation, production, distribution and access to a diversity of cultural goods and services; and
  • the strengthening of capacities in public institutions and civil society organisations to support viable local and regional cultural industries and markets.

Public institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from eligible countries are invited to submit their proposals, as well as international NGOs registered in countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention.

The maximum funding amount is 100,000 USD, and project implementation should be between 12 and 24 months.


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