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Tsung-Yeh arts and Cultural Center: Artists in Residence Programme (Taiwan)

Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center - an old sugar refinery built in red brick, looking somewhat like a manor house, nestled in a well-kept garden with manicured hedges. In the foreground is a wavy abstract sculpture - the clue to the site's current use.

Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center is located in the Madou district, on the northern outskirts of Tainan city, in an old sugar refinery that has been infused with multicultural ideas to form a unique space.

The theme for the Center’s 2022 residency programme is ‘Site-Specific Art’. Artists will create works observing the following contexts: hydrology of Tseng-wen River (including river basin and water management system), physiography (archaeological studies, soil, meteorology, or topographical variations), ecology (aquatic, amphibian, and terrestrial fauna and flora in the area), humanities (indigenous, agricultural, river-related, or ecology-related culture).

Residencies will last 45-90 days and take place in the period 21 February 2022 - 30 August 2022.

Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center provides:

  • Placements of up to three months with free accommodation and studio space. Living and working expenses in Taiwan (including personal income tax and insurance, the income-tax of foreigner will be 6%-20%) partly subsidised (NTD 30,000 / ~900 EUR per month maximum).
  • A maximum allocation of NTD 100,000 (including tax; ~3000 EUR) for presentation expenses, which will be paid directly to the relevant contractors. The above expenses include: providing the service or materials used in completing workshops, exhibitions and performances, fees for brochure design and printing, dissemination, art work insurance, translation fees, and expense for press conference, etc. Fees for artwork transportation and transport costs resulting from personal research are excluded.

Artists working in visual art, performing art, installation, interdisciplinary contemporary art are invited to apply. The organisers welcome artists who would like to involve local environments and communities while creating works based on the theme of ‘Site-Specific Art’.

Deadline: 11 September 2020

Find all details online


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