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The Supporting Act Foundation: Impact Grants and Creative Bursaries 2024 for Underrepresented Artists and Organisations

Three people talking in an animated way on the left of the image, with the text of the call.

The Supporting Act Foundation is calling for applications from emerging artists and artist-led non-profits from underrepresented communities in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy and Spain, for their third Open Call, with 12 Impact Grants and 20 Creative Bursaries available.

These grants in the arts will be given on an unrestricted basis, in keeping with the trust-based approach to grant-making, so recipients are free to use the funding as they see fit. This no-strings approach is informed by research into the most effective methods to address the precarious conditions and restricted opportunities that face both non-profit organisations and emerging artists from marginalised groups. In tandem with a lightweight application process, this model plays a significant role in helping recipients expand their practices and operations.

Impact Grant

12 grants of 50,000 EUR will be offered across two years to artist-led non-profits supporting marginalised communities and using arts for social change. They are open to non-profits registered in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy and Spain, or with a fiscal sponsor in one of these countries. They are intended to help cover core costs, including salaries, but can also be used for any other costs considered critical to successfully developing the organisation’s work.

Creative Bursaries

20 bursaries of 10,000 EUR will be offered over a year to emerging artists from underrepresented groups looking to develop their practices and initiate positive change for their communities. They are open to students entering the final year of their studies based in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Applicants should be looking to develop their practice towards arts for social change, and are building solidarity networks for others. There is no restriction on how this bursary is spent; it is intended to help cover tuition fees, living costs, and materials, but also any other costs incurred.


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