The Romanian Cultural Institute (RCI) announces the launch of the new CANTEMIR Programme, a funding programme for cultural projects abroad. Under this programme, RCI will grant non-refundable sponsorships for cultural initiatives in the field of visual arts (plastic arts, decorative arts, science/research and architecture, design, new media, photography, performance) and performing arts (theatre, music, dance). The events related to the funded projects shall be organised exclusively abroad (outside Romania).
This year, the budget granted for the selection session under CANTEMIR Programme is RON 2,400,000 (~485,000 EUR), equally divided between the two fields – visual arts and performing arts. The maximum amount grantable for a cultural project is RON 100,000 (~20,000 EUR).
In order for a cultural programme/project to be eligible it must comply with the following conditions: be implemented in the interval 1 June 2023 - 15 October 2023, after concluding the funding contracts; be implemented in partnership with at least one cultural organisation from the country where the project will be implemented; not benefit from other funding sources granted by the Romanian Cultural Institute (including its representative offices abroad); not benefit from co-fundings from other Romanian public funds applying minimis aids /state-aids; its target must be the audience living abroad.
CANTEMIR Programme aims for artistic excellence, originality, encouraging the fusion of innovative and experimental artistic forms; the European dimension, the international cooperation / co-productions; the contribution to an improved visibility of Romanian culture and of the interest for the same on the international cultural markets, by facilitating the access to representative Romanian artistic works; attracting the audience by the project artistic/cultural value and relevance; supporting the partnerships of Romanian and foreign cultural operators, on one side, and on the other side international cultural organisations; highlighting relevant cultural topics, specific for the cultural year 2023.
For a cultural operator to be considered partner of the sponsorship beneficiary, it must have its registered office in the country where the project is to be implemented, to participate in the described activities and to sign the partnership declaration.
Expenses incurred for the accommodation and domestic and international transportation of participants/guests in projects are eligible to be covered by the grant.