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Perform Europe: Project Coordinator, Communications Officer, and Project Assistant (Belgium)

Perform Europe

Perform Europe is a funding scheme for the European performing arts sector, supporting sustainable, inclusive, balanced and innovative collaboration projects of partners across the 40 Creative Europe countries.

In 2023, Perform Europe returns with a renewed mandate for three years from the original five consortium partners - IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts, European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, European Dancehouse Network (EDN) and IDEA Consult, with the addition of new partner Pearle*- Live Performance Europe.

In order to carry out the Perform Europe activities over the next three years, the consortium are recruiting for three open positions within the Perform Europe team:

  • Project Coordinator (100%).
  • Communications Officer (100%).
  • Project Assistant (50%).

All three positions will have a duration of 31 months, running 1 September 2023 until 31 March 2026. Wages are based on the Flemish salary scales for the performing arts sector.


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