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Klara i Rosa: Artist Retreat for Female Activists and Artists 2024 (Serbia)

Illustration of two half torsos next to each other.

Klara i Rosa are inviting applications from female activists, cultural workers, artists, cultural managers, or project coordinators for a second edition of their seven-day women’s activist retreat programme, which will take place in the natural environment in Utrine, Serbia, from 9 to 15 July 2024.

The importance of empowering and supporting female activists, artists, cultural managers, and project coordinators, who often work in precarious and insecure working conditions and are often victims of burnout, is poorly spoken about, and rarely recognised. The idea behind the project comes from the organiser’s activistic experience where they are often at the edge of strength, in search of understanding, creative support, and grounding. With this in mind, they have designed a seven-day retreat for renewing energy in a natural environment and recharging batteries in a safe women’s circle.

The organising team will select 12 female participants who complete the application requirements:

  • A female activist, cultural worker, artist, cultural manager, or project coordinator;
    Wants to reconnect and restore;
  • Wants to connect with like-minded female activists, artists, and cultural workers;
  • Are from the following countries: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, BIH, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria or Greece;
  • Work with the community;
  • Are engaged in the community or want to be.

The programme will include the following:

  • Creative programme
  • Debate programme (exchange practices and experience)
  • Free time
  • Motivational programme

The language of communication is English. Participation is free for selected participants (with travel, accommodation in joint dormitories, food).


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