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Gil Mendo Mobility Grant for Dance and Transdisciplinary Professionals in Portugal and the Mediterranean

A red dot with two illustrated figures dancing, with the title of the call.

The Roberto Cimetta Fund (RCF) in partnership with the Directorate-General for the Arts (DGArtes) of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, are honouring the legacy of Gil Mendo by launching the Gil Mendo Mobility Grant (GMMG). This grant aims to support artists’ and other cultural professionals’ mobility focusing on dance as the main artistic discipline and/or departing point, yet also including any potential transdisciplinary crossover approaches.

The goal of GMMG is to enhance knowledge and capacities through peer exchange, learning, co-creation, co-production and networking, and to increase work opportunities while directly or indirectly contributing to cultural development in the Mediterranean. Initiatives shall highlight the contribution and potential impact of the mobility project in the local and/or regional artistic and cultural scene, most especially on the dance field.

Candidates are cultural individual professionals such as artists, managers, producers, researchers, journalists, programmers, curators, etc. (not organisations), irrespective of age, proposing individual mobility projects (not collective nor group mobility).

Proposals shall address dance as main focus and/or departing point, including any transdisciplinary crossover approach. The purpose of the mobility shall be justified in the frame of the applicant’s professional project/career development.

Under the current call, eligible beneficiaries are arts and culture professionals and cultural operators based in Portugal (including archipelagos of Açores and Madeira) and non-EU countries around the Mediterranean basin, such as the Western Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East. Mobility must take place between Portugal and other non-EU countries in the Mediterranean basin (i.e. Portugal must be the point of departure or arrival for this mobility).

Candidates are invited to apply for a lump sum ranging approximately from 500 EUR to 1,000 EUR, to cover fully or partially the costs related to their mobility project, such as travel tickets, visas, or accommodation.

Updated deadline.


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