The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility project is calling for applications from civil society activists or civically minded women and men who demonstrate a deep commitment to leading positive social change in their communities (from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) for the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship.
In coordination with a range of projects and programmes, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility project sets out to strengthen the role and increase the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) and activists in the Eastern Partnership to engage in the policy making processes and policy dialogue, promote reforms and public accountability, foster local democracy, local development and engage citizens in public debate.
There are two different types of Fellowship:
- Community Engagement Fellowships
- Civic Digital Fellowships (which will facilitate Fellows to use their expertise to contribute to, develop or further promote and raise awareness about technological solutions for community needs)
For this edition the focal theme is the Environment and Combatting Climate Change.
The proposed project should be implemented within a maximum of a 6-month period, and ideally in a shorter timeframe, and include realistic and ideally sustainable outputs that will contribute to the expected Fellowship outcome.
The Fellowships are for individuals (not organisations) who are nationals of one of the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).
Fellows will be able to obtain an average of 5,000 EUR in financial support for their Fellowship, which can cover costs including travel expenses (among other eligible costs).