The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network is launching a call for ten journalists, artists, historians and civil society activists from the Balkans for small projects on exploring archives of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and local courts in ex-Yugoslav countries that dealt with war crimes cases (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). The call is a part of Enhancing accountability and memorialisation processes in the Balkans project, financed by the Matra Regional Rule of Law Programme.
Grantees are expected to produce one small project based on the research proposals they submit. Your project can be an investigative story, video/short film, data visualisation, publication, exhibition, multimedia project, social media campaign or something else that comes to your mind. In short, anything that will creatively use courts’ archives in order to promote truth, justice and accountability in the Balkans. Through your project, you can explore the questions such as criminal justice, victims’ testimonies, missing persons, reparations, lustration, responsibility or other issues related to transitional justice and dealing with the past.
The programme includes the following support elements:
- Grant of €2000 for research expenses, including travel.
- Ongoing mentoring and editorial support.
- Publication in English and agreed local languages.
The programme officially begins in May with preparatory activities, which include conducting initial research. The duration of the on-the-job mentoring will depend on the proposed project. Research duration is six months, starting from May 2022. All projects must be published before the end of 2022.