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Arts & HSS Programme Research Residencies for Foreign Artists on Environmental Issues (France)

Text of the call with a gold-lined, cracked surface.

The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), in partnership with the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian Delegation in France, will financially support the invitation of foreign artists to take part in Arts & HSS research projects on environmental issues.

Societies are undergoing radical change in the face of environmental challenges. The reflections and solutions proposed are growing in the academic world and involves an interdisciplinary approach, where the work of researchers and artists would benefit from closer and more structured collaboration. Ecological crisis, global warming, the relationship between society and its environment, green economy, forced migrations, these are just some of the issues to which researchers and artists can jointly contribute their knowledge and expertise.

The Research residency Arts & HSS programme allows French research institutions to invite foreign artists from any discipline (photography, painting, music, visual arts, performing arts, and more) and of any nationality to spend two to three months within their structure. The residency will give rise to a public presentation (conference, exhibition or other format) of the work carried out.

The call is open to researchers from all French research institutions, from doctoral level upwards. Only the coordinator must be employed by a French research institution or higher education establishment, which will host the project.

The project must include a strong artistic dimension, justifying the artist’s invitation and contribution to the project.

Support amounts to 2,000 EUR/month for a stay of between two and three months. The FMSH will finance the foreign artist’s mobility, with financial assistance covering accommodation, living expenses and transportation. For selected applications, an agreement will be drawn up between the laureate artist, the FMSH and the host laboratory in France.


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