2023 Cultural Mobility Developers’ Workshop in Tunis: ‘Dissemin’actions’

12 or so participants of the Cultural Mobility Developers Workshop in Tunis, gathered on a staircase.

Since 2022 and as part of its multi-annual programme co-funded by the Europe Union, On the Move proposes a workshop for cultural mobility developers. The main objective of this workshop is to build the capacity of artists and cultural professionals to support the internationalisation of artistic and cultural practices and adopt more value-driven approaches in their own contexts.

In 2023, and for our second edition, we collaborated with our member Culture Funding Watch to organise the workshop in Tunis with a focus on the South Mediterranean region. After having participated in the Cultural Mobility Forum in Tunis, the 10 selected participants took part in a two-day workshop whose aim was to empower them and their related entities/communities to delve further into different artistic mobility and international opportunities. The workshop was facilitated by Tony Attard and Maria Daïf.

Thanks to the dissemination grants provided by the programme, the 10 participants were able to organise several ‘dissemin’actions’ related to the key learnings and insights from this enriching experience that reached hundreds of professionals in the South Mediterranean region. Take a look at some of these activities:

Faraj Alsileeni (Libya) organised the Hessa6 for Art, a working session that aimed to address the challenges and difficulties faced by Libyan intellectuals, artists and citizens in terms of freedom of movement and cultural mobility.

Mehdi Azdem (Morocco) organised a series of workshops such as a workshop on international cultural mobility opportunities in collaboration with the organisation Dabatek and the cooperative Momkin, another workshop with the organisation L’blend in Tiznit and the last one with the association 4sfest part of the programme Tekwin Casablanca that focused on musicians and managers. Photos of this last workshop are available here.

Mouna Belgrini (Morocco) devised a survey on the needs and the dreams behind international cultural mobility for Moroccan artists. The visual survey is available here.

Houari Bouchenak and Toufik Douib (Algeria) organised a common online project consisting of a conversation session with cultural practitioners who worked on topics related to mobility and independent art action connected to Algeria. One of the recording is available here.

Marwa Helmy (Egypt) wrote a paper on Cultural and artistic mobility in the Arab region: Priorities of funding strategies in light of the political, security and economic context (2024-2026). Download the English version, or the Arabic version.

Paolo Lolicata (Sicily) did the translation of the cultural mobility funding guide focused on the South Mediterranean region, in Italian. The translated guide is available here.

Margerita Pulè (Malta) ran a survey to better understand the needs of the Maltese artists and culture professionals with regards to international cultural mobility. The results are available here.

Emily Sarsam (Tunisia) hosted three pilot sessions of Mouhit Space’s Mobility Café. The aim of the Mobility Café was to design a convivial and welcoming atmosphere which allows people from the art & culture scene in Tunis not only to exchange ideas and information about cultural mobility opportunities but also to get guidance from Mouhit’s team on, for instance, writing application or portfolio.

Kholoud Yaseen (Egypt) organised a series of cultural mobility workshops ‘Move together’ in Cairo and Alexandria with artists from Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan and Tunisia. See the video here.

The above-mentioned activities are only some of the varied examples of the materialised results of the second edition of our workshop. A warm thank you to the participants with whom On the Move is still very much in touch!

Dissemin’actions from the 2022 Slovenia cultural mobility developers’ workshop